Michael Rosnick

Michael Rosnick

Michael Rosnick
Experience: 23 years
Personal Injury and Workers' Compensation
Connecticut and 2nd Circuit
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Awards 1
Experience 23y
Online & Web 2

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My primary focus of practice is personal injury litigation, inclusive of motor vehicle accidents, work related injuries, wrongful death, dog bite attacks, slip and fall injuries, construction site injuries. I believe that it is my responsibility to be an incredibly strong advocate for our clients while practicing law with honesty and integrity at the same time. The goal is always to maximize the financial recovery for the client.

Our firm has recovered over $450 million on behalf of clients over the years, inclusive of awards in excess of $25 million in the past year.

Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice


Since 2000

2nd Circuit

Since 2007


Quinnipiac University School of Law

Skidmore College


year - Michael Rosnick
2014-2019 SuperLawyer



1087 Broad St Bridgeport CT 06604 Telephone: (203) 334-0191 Fax: (203) 334-3463
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Michael Rosnick
Michael Rosnick

Experience: 23 years
Website: Open
Location: USA
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Practice Areas

Personal Injury

Animal & Dog Bites, Brain Injury, Car Accidents, Construction Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Premises Liability, Truck Accidents, Wrongful Death


English: Spoken, Written
Spanish: Spoken, Written

