Karen Dana Oster

Karen Dana Oster

Karen Dana Oster
Experience: 33 years
Intellectual Property and Patents
California and Oregon
Experience 33y
Online & Web 4

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For over twenty-five years Karen has been assisting businesses and individuals turn ideas into patents. Her practice focuses on patent prosecution (the process of obtaining a patent). Karen has written and/or prosecuted patents in technological categories such as machines and tools, medical and dental devices and processes, construction, consumer products, sporting equipment, toys and games, and computer-related inventions. She also has extensive experience with design patents. Karen’s practice includes opinion work (e.g. patentability, noninfringement, and infringement).

Karen realizes that each client has unique intellectual property needs and uses creative solutions to help her clients achieve their goals. Karen takes the time to explain the patenting process so that each client understands the available options.

Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice


Since 1991


Since 1995


1990 - 1992

California State University - Long Beach

B.S. | Computer Engineering

1987 - 1990

Loyola Law School, Los Angeles

J.D. (1990)

1984 - 1987

University of California - Santa Barbara

B.A. (1987) | English

Honors: Honors English


16869 SW 65th Avenue PMB 506 Lake Oswego OR 97035 Telephone: (503) 810-2560 Telephone: (503) 810-2560 Fax: (503) 638-0367
GREEN, HOWARD, & MUGHAL LLP 5 Centerpointe Drive, Suite 400 Lake Oswego OR 97035
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Karen Dana Oster
Karen Dana Oster

Experience: 33 years
Website: Open
Location: USA
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Practice Areas


Patent Appeals, Patent Litigation, Patent Prosecution


1994 Patent Attorney License

US Patent & Trademark Office


Oregon State Bar


California State Bar

