Life for an injury victim often times becomes much more difficult after the injury, and the extent of one's injuries is not always clear until days or even months after the incident occurs. Not only does the victim suffer physically (and possibly mentally) as a result of an injury, but now the victim or a representative must deal with doctors, insurance companies, and possibly attorneys. Additionally, injury victims may need to provide documentation to their employer in order to justify (or be reimbursed) for recovery time.
Each of the parties involved will require the victim or a representative to provide them with documentation. If you are an injury victim and planning to file a claim, your attorney will ask a number of detailed questions; so preparing early will make the process much easier (while helping you remember key details).
If you are the person providing the documentation, filling out the form below will prepare you for most of the questions these individuals need answered. You can print this form in either PDF or Microsoft Word format and print it out.
Also available in PDF | MS Word
Name _____________________________________________
Date of birth ____/____/____
Social security number _____-____-_______
Address ____________________________________________
Home phone (_____) ______-________
Work phone (_____) ______-________
Mobile phone (_____) ______-________
E-mail address ____________________
Best method to reach you ________________________
Best times to reach you __________________________
Married ____ Single ____ Divorced ____
Number of children ____
If married, spouse's name _________________________
On what date did your injury occur? ____/____/____
Where did your injury occur? City _____________ State _____
How did your injury occur?
__ Aircraft accident
__ Animal bite or attack
__ Assault and battery
__ Defective premises
__ Defective product
__ Police negligence or abuse
__ Medical malpractice
__ Motor vehicle accident
__ Slip or trip and fall
__ Water-related accident
__ Other ________________________
Describe how your injury occurred.
Who do you believe caused or is responsible for your injury, and why?
Describe your injury(ies).
List all doctors and other health care providers who have treated your injuries, including their names, addresses, and telephone numbers.
Total medical expenses incurred to date for your injuries: $________________
Total medical expenses you expect to incur in the future: $________________
List the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all insurance companies that may be involved (including, as applicable, automobile insurer, health insurer, disability insurer, homeowner's insurer, etc.).
Have you lost income due to your injuries? Yes __ No __
If yes, amount of lost income $_________
Income before injury $__________ per ___________
Income after injury $__________ per ___________
Employer __________________________________________
Position ___________________________________________
Employer's address _____________________________________
Employer's telephone number (_____) _______-________
Are you currently working? Yes ___ No ___
Expect to return to work on ___/___/___
Will not return to work ___
Are you in pain? If so, describe.
Describe any other ways in which your life has changed as a result of your injuries. (For example, you are no longer able to engage in athletic activities, your appearance has changed, you cannot care for your children, etc.)
If married, has your spouse experienced any losses as a result of your injury? If so, describe.
List the names, addresses, and phone numbers of any possible witnesses in your case.
Have you previously consulted an attorney regarding your case?
Yes ____ No ____
If yes, provide the attorney's name(s), the firm name(s), the address(es), and the telephone number(s).
Is your relationship with the attorney ongoing?
Yes ____ No ____
Has an attorney declined to represent you in this matter?
Yes ____ No ____
If yes, why?
Questions you have about your case:
Understanding who's liable for what in a personal injury case can be a complex issue. Failing to obtain such an understanding, however, could prove costly for an injured party. An experienced injury law attorney will know the relevant laws in your state and help protect you from unintended outcomes.