Motorcycle Accident Resources

While motorcyclists are less likely to get in an accident than automobile drivers, motorcycle accidents are 26 times more likely to result in death, according to the Insurance Information Institute. Therefore, motorcycle safety is very much focused on minimizing the severity of injuries. Not only do helmets help prevent certain head injuries, but they are required by most state laws. Additionally, not wearing a helmet could jeopardize an insurance claim (since it increases the insurers' risk level).

If you are in a motorcycle accident, seek immediate medical attention if necessary. As with any accident involving more than one vehicle, make sure you take notes and get contact information of potential witnesses. Taking photos is also recommended.

In states that recognize comparative negligence, liability could be split among two or more parties (based on degree of fault). An automobile accident attorney experienced in motorcycle cases will be able to guide you through the process. See Motorcycle Accident FAQ to learn more.

Research-backed safety statistics helps industry leaders and policy makers develop better motorcycle safety standards and designs. Much of this work comes from government agencies, non-profit organizations, and other groups. The following list of organizations and agencies will help you learn more about motorcycle safety and related matters.

If you're looking for more general highway safety information, see Car Accident Resources.

See FindLaw's Motorcycle Accidents section for additional articles and resources, including Helmet Laws and Motorcycle Accident Cases and Motorcycle Defects and Recalls. The First Steps After an Injury section contains resources to help you gather information, obtain a police report, and meet with an attorney.

Want Legal Help with Your Motorcycle Accident? Talk to a Lawyer

If you've been injured in a motorcycle accident, it's smart to talk to a qualified car accident attorney about your case. An attorney can help you understand the law and the facts of your case and make sure you get any money that might be owed to you for your injuries.