You Have Rights as an Employee: True or False?

How well do you know your workplace rights? Are your rights as an employee the same as your rights as a U.S. citizen or national? Do all workers have the same rights? Test your knowledge of legal rights in the workplace by answering "true" or "false" to the statements below.

Answers are at the bottom.


True_____ False_____

1.  I have the right to be considered for a job without regard to my race.

True_____ False_____

2.  My employer isn't allowed to fire me from my job simply because of my religious beliefs and practices.

True_____ False_____

3.  Female employees have the right not to be sexually harassed, but male employees don't have this right because a man can't be sexually harassed.

True_____ False_____

4.  Under federal law, we have the right to workplace safety, which means our employer has to give us protection against job hazards and limit our exposure to dangerous substances.

True_____ False_____

5.  Once I reach age 65, I can't be fired.

True_____ False_____

6.  Gay and lesbian employees have the same workplace rights as straight employees.

True_____ False_____

7.  My e-mail messages are my own private business, and my employer has no right to read them.

True_____ False_____

8.  All employees have the right to health insurance.

True_____ False_____

9.  People from other countries have the same rights as U.S. citizens to have a job without discrimination.

True_____ False_____

10.  My co-worker has the right to time off to take care of his sick wife, but I don't have the right to take time off to care for my terminally ill neighbor.

Workplace Quiz: Answers

Your employment lawyer will know that these are the correct answers:

  1. True
  2. True
  3. False
  4. True
  5. False
  6. True and false--it depends upon the law of the state and locality
  7. False
  8. False
  9. True and false--it is unlawful to discriminate on the basis of a person's country of origin or nationality, but people from other countries only have the right to work in the United States if they have obtained that right from the U.S. government.
  10. True