The obligation to pay child support attaches to all parents: married, divorced, adoptive, and never married. If you are in a cohabitation relationship that includes children, you and your partner are legally obligated to provide the necessities for the child's well being, both while the relationship is intact and after it dissolves.This is the legal basis for child support.
If the relationship does end, legal guidelines in each state help establish the amount of child support that must be paid by the noncustodial parent. The guidelines vary from state to state, but they are all generally based on the parents' incomes and expenses and the needs of the children. Often, the guidelines calculate the child support amount as a percentage of the paying parent's income that increases with the number of children being supported. In some instances, the amount can deviate from the guidelines, if there are very good reasons for the deviation.
Judges will often review a financial statement completed by each parent that lists all sources and amounts of income and expense before issuing a child support order. The following form is intended to be a guide to help you and your attorney gather the necessary financial information.
As for online child support calculators (which have proliferated in recent years), they are a helpful tool. But one can't rely fully on these tools, as there are any complicated factors that affect the child support outcome. See FindLaw's Child Support Amounts section for more information.
Gross Monthly Income  Source/Amount Source/Amount  _________/$________ _________/$________  _________/$________ _________/$________  _________/$________ _________/$________ TOTAL: $________________ $________________ Deductions from Gross Income State Income Tax $____________________ $____________________ Federal Income Tax $____________________ $____________________ Social Security $____________________ $____________________ Self-employment Tax $____________________ $____________________ Health Insurance $____________________ $____________________ Union Dues $____________________ $____________________ Pension/Retirement $____________________ $____________________ Mandatory? Yes ____ No ____ Yes ____ No ____ Support Orders $____________________ $____________________ Other $____________________ $____________________ TOTAL DEDUCTIONS: $_______________ $_______________ NET MONTHLY INCOME:(Gross Income minus Total Deductions)
 $_______________ $_______________ Monthly Expenses Rent or Mortgage $_______________ $_______________ Utilities: Telephone $_______________ $_______________ Gas $_______________ $_______________ Electricity $_______________ $_______________ Water & Sewer $_______________ $_______________ Garbage Collection $_______________ $_______________ Cable Television $_______________ $_______________ Cellular Phone $_______________ $_______________ Internet Service $_______________ $_______________ Property Taxes $_______________ $_______________ Insurance: Medical $_______________ $_______________ Dental $_______________ $_______________ Life $_______________ $_______________ Disability $_______________ $_______________ Long-term Care $_______________ $_______________ Homeowners/Renters $_______________ $_______________ Auto(s) $_______________ $_______________ Recreational Vehicle $_______________ $_______________ Debt Payments: Vehicle #1 $_______________ $_______________ Vehicle #2 $_______________ $_______________ Home Equity Loan $_______________ $_______________ Student Loan $_______________ $_______________ Other Loans $_______________ $_______________ Credit Card #1 $_______________ $_______________ Credit Card #2 $_______________ $_______________ Credit Card #3 $_______________ $_______________ Educational Expenses: For Self $_______________ $_______________ For Children $_______________ $_______________ Day Care: For Children $_______________ $_______________ For Parent(s) $_______________ $_______________ Transportation Expenses: Gasoline $_______________ $_______________ Parking/Commuting $_______________ $_______________ Vehicle Maintenance $_______________ $_______________ Licenses $_______________ $_______________ Food: Groceries $_______________ $_______________ Take-out Food $_______________ $_______________ Restaurants $_______________ $_______________ School Lunches $_______________ $_______________ Clothing: For Self $_______________ $_______________ For Children $_______________ $_______________ Repair and Cleaning $_______________ $_______________ Household Expenses: Cleaning Supplies $_______________ $_______________ Cleaning Service $_______________ $_______________ Yard Maintenance $_______________ $_______________ Home Maintenance $_______________ $_______________ Home Security $_______________ $_______________ Home Improvements $_______________ $_______________ Home Furnishings $_______________ $_______________ Appliances $_______________ $_______________ Uninsured Health-care Costs: Medical (Self) $_______________ $_______________ Medical (Children) $_______________ $_______________ Dental (Self) $_______________ $_______________ Dental (Children) $_______________ $_______________ Prescriptions (Self) $_______________ $_______________ Prescrips. (Children) $_______________ $_______________ Non-prescrip. (Self) $_______________ $_______________ Non-prescrip. (Child.) $_______________ $_______________ Personal Expenses: Grooming $_______________ $_______________ Entertainment $_______________ $_______________ Travel $_______________ $_______________ Gifts $_______________ $_______________ Hobbies $_______________ $_______________ Babysitting $_______________ $_______________ Pet-care Costs $_______________ $_______________ Donations $_______________ $_______________ Other Expenses $________________ $_______________  $_______________ $_______________  $_______________ $_______________  $_______________ $_______________ TOTAL EXPENSES: $_______________ $_______________Need Help Determining Child Support? Get Professional Legal Help Today
As you can see, there are a number of factors used to calculate child support, and these factors can vary depending on where you live. If you or a loved one are trying to determine child support payments, you should speak with a local family law attorney who can not only advise you of the law but can also zealously represent you at court. Protect you and child's interests and contact a local family law attorney today.