Can a Prenup Help You?

A prenuptial agreement, also called a premarital agreement or a prenup for short. It allows a couple to set the terms of property rights for their marriage. There are a lot of misconceptions about what prenuptial agreements are and who uses them.

What Can a Prenup Do For Me?

While wealthy individuals do often use prenups, prenuptial agreements have far more uses than simply protecting the assets of a wealthy individual. Prenups can be used to:

  • Protect one party's assets
  • Protect a party from assuming the debts of the other party
  • Determine how property will be passed upon death
  • Clarify financial rights and responsibilities during a marriage
  • Avoid long, costly disputes in case of divorce

If You Don't Get a Prenuptial Agreement

Absent a premarital agreement, your state has a series of family laws that determine how property is handled during marriage and after marriage. In most states for instance, your spouse is entitled to:

  • Share and receive ownership of property acquired during the marriage
  • Receive some of your property upon death
  • Share in any debts acquired during the marriage
  • Share responsibilities in managing property acquired during the marriage.

There are many good reasons to deviate from your state's laws. For instance, if you have children from a previous marriage, upon your death you may want your property to pass to your children rather than transfer to your current spouse. The advantage of premarital agreements is that you can craft them to meet your particular needs.

Creating a Valid Prenuptial Agreement

Originally, prenuptial agreements were heavily scrutinized by judges because they were traditionally used to protect a wealthy individual from a partner with substantially less financial means. The fear was that the poorer spouse was being coerced to sign and that such agreements encouraged the dissolution of marriages.

Today, however, every state allows premarital agreements, and divorce and remarriages are more widely accepted. In addition, women are considered to have a more equal place in society and require less protection from courts. As a result, most prenups will be upheld as valid.

The Courts Role in Prenups

Courts do, however, still analyze prenups with a careful eye so it pays to do it right. Create an agreement that is clear, understandable and justifiable. If a judge decides that your premarital agreement is unfair or doesn't meet state requirements, the agreement will be set aside.

Although it is perfectly fine to negotiate and create a basic prenup yourself, both parties should get the prenup reviewed by their own attorney who can advise them on their rights and review the premarital agreement to ensure it complies with state law.

Can a Prenup Help You? Find Out With A Family Law Attorney Today

Starting a conversation about prenuptial agreements isn't always the easiest thing to do. However, not having that conversation can come back to haunt you years down the road. The good news is that there are family law attorneys who can help you set up a prenuptial agreement and, since they're experienced with these types of cases, can give you guidance on how to start that conversation. Reach out to a local family law attorney today.