License Penalties FAQ

You've probably heard the axiom driving is a privilege, not a right. And that is certainly the case with driving in the U.S. States generally have a lot of leeway with regard to the license penalties for both driving- and non-driving-related offenses.

Most states may suspend the licenses of drivers for a variety of infractions, including a DUI conviction or driving with a suspended driver's license. All states also have "implied consent laws," in which motorists may obtain a driver's license with the understanding that they must comply with a breathalyzer or similar alcohol test if prompted by an officer. Failure to comply with a testing request by an officer usually results in an automatic suspension.

There are a host of different scenarios in which you could get your license suspended, revoked or otherwise be penalized. Some states have a points system -- where points may be added to your record before it can be penalized. Beacause each state differs, it's important to know the traffic laws in your state. And if your license is revoked or suspended for some reason, you have certain rights and procedures you must follow.

Do you have more specific questions about driver's license penalties? Here are some of the most common questions asked about driver's license penalties:

  • What actions could lead to license suspension?
  • What if the state charges me with an offense that requires a license suspension?
  • What actions could lead to license revocation?
  • Am I entitled to notice and a hearing before the state revokes my license?
  • If the state does notify me, what should the notice say?
  • Suppose the police stop me and I've forgotten my license at home?
  • If State A has suspended/revoked my license, but I have a valid license in State B, can I drive in State A?
  • More questions...