David Michael Cantor

David Michael Cantor

David Michael Cantor
DM Cantor - Top Rated Criminal Law Specialist
Experience: 34 years
Criminal Law, DUI & DWI, Domestic Violence and 2 others
Top 100 Criminal Defense Lawyer, AV® Rated per Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers and 8 others
Free consultation have
Awards 10
Experience 34y
Videos 5
Online & Web 8

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Our criminal defense team has Over 5,000 case victories and 3 Board Certified Criminal Law Specialists per the Arizona Board of Legal Specialization (the most Certified Criminal Law Specialists of ANY firm in Arizona). Criminal Charges are Serious - You Need a Highest Rated Law Firm on Your Side!

Since becoming a lawyer in 1989, Arizona Criminal Attorney and Arizona DUI Lawyer David Michael Cantor has handled many high profile cases which have been covered by the local and national news media. He has been interviewed and has appeared on Good Morning America, Anderson Cooper Live, CNN, Inside Edition, the CBS Morning Show, Hannity and Colmes, and every local Arizona news channel including Univision. In addition, his cases have been covered by CNN, MSNBC, and even Howard Stern.

- Certified Criminal Law Specialist since 1999 – per the Arizona Board of Legal Specialization
- AV® Rated by Martindale-Hubbell and listed in the Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers® – Criminal Trial Section
- Voted Nation’s Top 1% Attorney by the National Association of Distinguished Counsel
- Voted Top 10 Attorney National Academy of Criminal Defense Attorneys
- Voted Top 10 DUI/DWI Law Firm by American Institute of DUI/DWI Attorneys
- Voted Top 100 Trial Lawyer by the American Trial Lawyers Association® 2007, 2011 – 2015
- Voted Top 100 Criminal Defense Lawyer by the American Society of Legal Advocates® 2014
- Voted 10.0 Superb Rating for Criminal Defense on AVVO
- Voted Superior DUI Attorney by National Advocacy for DUI Defense
- Received Client Satisfaction Award by American Institute of DUI/DWI Attorneys 2014 & 2015
- Voted the only Arizona Lawyer listed in the inaugural Southwest Super Lawyers® publication for Criminal Defense: DUI/DWI - Former City of Phoenix Assistant City Prosecutor
- Instructed the 4th Annual DUI Conference for Judges
- Former Trial Instructor at the Phoenix Police Academy

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Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice


Since 1989

Professional Experience

1989 - Current

DM Cantor

Attorney - Criminal Law Specialist

David Michael Cantor has handled many high profile cases which have been covered by the local and national news media. He has been interviewed and has appeared on Good Morning America, CNN, Inside Edition, the CBS Morning Show, Hannitty and Combs, and every local news channel including Univision. In addition, his cases have been covered by CNN, MSNBC, and even Howard Stern. About David Michael Cantor: * Certified Criminal Law Specialist since 1999 – per the Arizona Board of Legal Specialization * Listed in the Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers® – Criminal Trial Section * Voted Top 100 Trial Lawyer by the American Trial Lawyers Association® 2007. * The only Arizona Lawyer listed in the 2007 Southwest Super Lawyers® publication for Criminal Defense: DUI/DWI * Former City of Phoenix Assistant Prosecutor * Instructed the Fourth Annual DUI Conference for Judges * Former Trial Instructor at the Phoenix Police Academy * Former Instructor at the Arizona MVD Hearing Office Teaching Administrative Law Judges * Member of the National College for DUI Defense at Harvard Law School * Member of the Assoc. of Trial Lawyers of America; Criminal Law Section National Exec. Committee Member (1999 – 2000) * Member of the Arizona Trial Lawyers Association * Member of the Maricopa County Bar Association * Member of the American Bar Association * Life Member National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers * Life Member Arizona Attorneys for Criminal Justice Some of David Michael Cantor’s high profile cases include the Michael Gherman Wal-Mart double capital murder trial; the complete acquittal of Valinda Jo Elliott (the woman who became lost in the forest and set a signal fire which ultimately became the Rodeo-Chediski fire – burning more than five hundred thousand (500,000) acres and four hundred and forty (440) homes); the complete acquittal of Richard Simmons (who was accused of slapping a rather large “cage fighter” who was taunting him at the Sky Harbor Airport); and most recently the complete acquittal of Sgt. Patrick Haab (an off-duty Army Reservist who took seven (7) illegal immigrants into custody at gunpoint because they had charged at him from the desert , at night, near a local highway rest stop). The David Michael Cantor Defense Team takes pride in being knowledgeable in all areas of forensic sciences. This includes DNA technology; Latent Fingerprint technology; Ballistics; Drug Recognition technology; Serology and Bodily Fluids testing; Blood, Breath and Urine Alcohol testing methods; Gas Chromatography and Infra-Red Mass-Spectrometry. In addition, the Cantor Criminal Defense Team has an extensive law library with research materials regarding FBI, Department of Public Safety, State and Local Police investigation manuals. WE PRIDE OURSELVES IN KNOWING MORE THAN THE PROSECUTION AND POLICE OFFICERS! If there is any defense to a criminal allegation (either factual or technical), the David Michael Cantor Defense Team will find it and utilize it to your benefit. The Cantor Defense Team, along with the numerous expert witnesses at their disposal, can give you your best chance at a complete acquittal or reduction of the charges. For a free initial consultation, call us at 480-858-0808, or click here to contact us now. The David Michael Cantor Defense Team is BEYOND AGGRESSIVE!!! 1-888-822-6867 Contact The Law Offices of David Michael Cantor and speak to us about your case. We handle DUI/ DWI cases, vehicular crimes, homicide, drug and sex offenses, white collar crimes, property crimes and other violent crimes.


1986 - 1988

University of Arizona

J.D. (1988)

Activities: Pi Kappa Alpha, Phi Alpha Delta. Honorable Mention, University of Arizona Moot Court Competition


David Michael Cantor
Top 100 Criminal Defense Lawyer

American Society of Legal Advocates®

AV® Rated per Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers

Martindale Hubbell

Nation's Top 1% Attorney

National Association of Distinguished Counsel

Top 10 DUI/DWI Law Firm Nationally

American Institute of DUI/DWI Attorneys

Top 100 Trial Lawyer

American Trial Lawyers Association®

10.0 Superb Rating


Recognition of Excellence - Criminal Defense

Southwest Super Lawyers®

Superior DUI Attorney

National Advocacy for DUI Defense

Top 10 Attorney

National Academy of Criminal Defense Attorneys

Certified Criminal Law Specialist

Arizona Board of Legal Specialization


40 N Central Ave Suite 2300 Phoenix AZ 85004 Telephone: (602) 307-0808 Fax: (602) 255-0707


Questions to Ask When Shopping for a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Arizona by Attorney David Cantor.
Questions to Ask When Looking for a Criminal Attorney:

Q: Does the Law Firm sell its cases to other attorneys and call them “Of Counsel”?
A: DM Cantor does not sell any of its cases!

Q: Is the Law Firm named after a Certified Criminal Law Specialist as designated by the Arizona Board of Legal Specialization?
A: David Michael Cantor has been a Certified Criminal Law Specialist since 1999!

Q: How many Certified Criminal Law Specialists are at the firm?
A: DM Cantor has 4 Certified Criminal Law Specialists – The most of any criminal defense law firm in Arizona!

Q: When you’re finding a lawyer, be sure to ask is the Law Firm AV rated by Martindale-Hubbell?
A: DM Cantor and many of our attorneys are AV Rated.

Q: When you’re finding an attorney, be sure to ask is the Law Firm listed in the Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers?

Q: Is the Law Firm’s named partner listed in the Southwest SuperLawyers Publication?
A: DM Cantor has been listed since 2007 in the SW Super Lawyers Publication

Q: Is the Law Firm’s named partner listed in the Top 100 Trial Lawyers in Arizona by the American Association of Trial Lawyers?
A: DM Cantor is listed in all 4 publications! There is a reason Law Firms are (or are not) Top Rated.

Q: Does the Law Firm go to Jury Trial regularly (and win)?
A: If you go to our website, https://www.dmcantor.com and click on Jury Trial Victories, you will see over 145 of our Complete Acquittals (i.e. not guilty – All charges) listed with dates and courts. No other Arizona Law Firm lists more than 22 Complete Acquittals on their website (Web Results as of Jan 1, 2019).

“Dismissed” and “Reduced Charge” claims are not the same as a Jury saying “Not Guilty – All Charges!” Some lawyers can occasionally receive dismissals and charge reductions (we have thousands), but very few can regularly achieve Complete Acquittals!

When you’re finding a lawyer, be sure to ask the Law Firm how many Jury Trials have resulted in Complete Acquittals since the Law Firm was formed.

When you’re finding an attorney, be sure to ask the Law Firm to list their last 10 Jury Trial Victories (i.e. Complete Acquittals) with dates.

This should be listed on their website. If not, then why not?

Q: Did the Jury Trial Victories which a Law Firm claims actually occur while the winning lawyer was employed by that Law Firm – or did they occur while the lawyer was employed elsewhere?
A: Every victory listed on our website occurred while the attorney was employed at the DM Cantor – not when the lawyer was employed elsewhere (possibly out of state).

Remember – Leadership and a Culture of Quality begins and flows from the top down!
If you have questions about hiring a criminal defense attorney or would like to schedule a free consultation with our law firm, please give us a call at (602) 307-0808 or send us an email by using our confidential form.
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First Offense DUI Penalties - Regular Misdemeanor | Phoenix DUI Lawyer David Cantor

David discusses the penalties associated with a first offense regular DUI. It is a misdemeanor for any person in the state of Arizona to have a blood, breath or other bodily substance alcohol concentration of 0.08 or higher within two hours of being in physical control or driving a vehicle.

The alcohol concentration maximum is 0.04 if the vehicle requires the driver to hold a commercial driver license. If an individual's alcohol concentration is between 0.05 and 0.08, that fact along with other evidence can be used to convict an individual of driving under the influence, DUI.

If you been charged with DUI or DWI in Arizona you are facing Mandatory Jail Time, Fines and Loss of Driving Privileges. An Arizona DUI charge carries strict penalties. You can't afford not to have expert DUI representation with anything less than a proven case track record.

Free Consultation Call 24/7: 602-307-0808
Website: https://cantorduilawyers.com/arizona-dui-dwi-penalties
Blog: https://blog.dmcantor.com/arizona-first-offense-regular-dui-misdemeanor-penalties
LinkedIn: http://po.st/E3UCaX
Avvo: http://po.st/ZHnEAV
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arizonacriminalattorney
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cantorlaw
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Misdemeanor DUI/DWI Arizona  | Statute of Limitations
http://smarturl.it/Misdemeanor-dui-dwi Arizona is serious about Misdemeanor DUI/DWI and boasts some of the strictest DUI/DWI penalties in the country. Any DUI conviction in Arizona, even if it's your first, will result in time spent away from your family, friends and employment plus fines and surcharges of over $5,000.

We handle DUI/ DWI cases, vehicular crimes, homicide, drug and sex offenses, white collar crimes, property crimes and other violent crimes. Call us today if you or a loved one have been charged with DUI call us for a Free Consultation at (602) 307-0808 and visit our website below.

Free Consultation Call 24/7: 602-307-0808

Avvo: http://smarturl.it/dui-dwi-in-az

Website: http://dmcantor.com/arizona-dui-lawyer/

Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/72696127

Facebook: http://smarturl.it/misdemeanor-dui

LinkedIn: http://smarturl.it/dui-charge

Twitter: http://smarturl.it/az-dui-lawyer

Google+: http://smarturl.it/dui-lawyer-az

StumbleUpon: http://smarturl.it/dui-dwi-az

Google Business: http://smarturl.it/cantor-dui-lawyer
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Possession of Drugs for Sale Charges by Arizona Drug Lawyer David Michael Cantor
In Arizona, Possession of Drugs for Sale, is unlawful. The charge of Possession of Drugs for Sale is very serious and you definitely want to get experienced legal help.

If you or a loved one have been charged with Possession of Drugs for Sale, call us for a Free Consultation TODAY at (602) 307-0808 and visit our website below.

Free Consultation Call 24/7: 602-307-0808
Website: https://cantordruglawyers.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arizonacriminalattorney
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cantorlaw
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What is Vehicular Aggravated Assault? Arizona Criminal Defense Attorney
http://dmcantor.com/dui-vehicular-crimes/aggravated-assault/ Vehicular Aggravated Assault typically is charged if somebody is drunk behind the wheel of a car and has an accident which results in serious physical injury or substantial disfigurement to another person, because a car qualifies as a "dangerous instrument."

The charges for Vehicular Aggravated Assault are very serious and you definitely want to get experienced legal help. If you or a loved one have been charged with Vehicular Aggravated Assault call us for a Free Consultation TODAY at (602) 307-0808 and visit our website below.

Free Consultation Call 24/7: 602-307-0808

Website (Vehicular): http://dmcantor.com/dui-vehicular-crimes/aggravated-assault/

Website: http://cantorcriminallawyers.com/aggravated-assault/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arizonacriminalattorney

Twitter: https://twitter.com/cantorlaw

Google+: http://goo.gl/lL2QQ
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David Michael Cantor
David Michael Cantor DM Cantor - Top Rated Criminal Law Specialist

Experience: 34 years
Website: Open
Location: USA
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Practice Areas

Criminal Law

Criminal Appeals, Drug Crimes, Expungement, Fraud, Gun Crimes, Internet Crimes, Sex Crimes, Theft, Violent Crimes

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Criminal Defense, Domestic Violence Restraining Orders


English: Spoken, Written


Certified Criminal Law Specialist since 1999

Arizona Board of Legal Specialization

