Attorney dedicated - for the past 25 years - to assisting victims of mesothelioma, lung cancer and asbestosis. Have recovered over $100,000,000 for victims of asbestos diseases. Represent victims of asbestos throughout the Country. Licensed to practice law in California and Oregon.
Home Office: Novato California
Personal: Married with 2 boys - Kyle (14) and Nathan (8)
Hobbies: Fighting corruption and criminal theft taking place at various Asbestos Trust Funds by attorneys Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton.
Since 1994
Oregon State Bar
Since 1998
2004 - Current
Asbestos Legal Center
Assisting Victims of Asbestos Diseases Stopping Corruption and Theft from Asbestos Trusts
J.D. (1994)
B.A. (1991) | Rhetoric and Communication
Better Business Bureau
Veterans News Network