Daniel J. Hanecak

Daniel J. Hanecak

Daniel J. Hanecak
Hanecaklaw.com (Personal Injury and Car Accident Attorney)
Experience: 13 years
Book Award and Book Award in Legal Research & Writing
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Awards 2
Experience 13y
Online & Web 8

Biography Submit listing

I was born and raised in Lancaster, PA where I attended Franklin & Marshall College. I played outfield on the baseball team for 4 years. At 23, I moved to Florida. After a year there, I moved to Davis, CA and graduated from the King Hall School of Law in 2010.

My upbringing wasn't poor, but we were far from rich. My dad was self-employed and my mom had to work multiple jobs. I witnessed firsthand hard work, dedication, sacrifice, and financial stresses to provide opportunities to me that my parents didn't grow up with.

From my youngest days, I've always sided with the underdog. As a high school and college baseball player, I was never the prototypical size and that gave me a chip on my shoulder. I bring that chip from the playing field to the courtroom to aggressively represent my clients' rights.

Rather than get a job at a firm out of law school, I immediately opened my own office. The first lawsuit I ever filed was against one of the largest banks in the United States.

In 2013, I successfully confirmed a Chapter 11 bankruptcy for a couple that saved them over $500,000 on two separate properties. I've also successfully kept multiple homes in families after reverse mortgage companies attempted to take them back by failing to follow the contract.

Since this time, I've expanded my practice to aggressively represent those who have been injured. Fighting for individual's rights goes to the heart of who I am and what my parents instilled in me.

In my spare time I like to work out, listen to all types of music, go to the beach, and convince people I can have conversations with my cats Royce and Avatar. I occasionally tell jokes.

I spent about 7 years in the Davis/Sacramento area before relocating to San Diego in 2015 to spend time with my Grandpa before he passed.

I am also a licensed California real estate broker. DRE #01916828

Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice


Since 2011

Professional Experience

2014 - Current

Hanecak, P.C.


2011 - 2014

Law Office of Daniel J. Hanecak



2008 - 2010

University of California, Davis, School of Law

J.D. (2010)

2007 - 2008

Florida Coastal School of Law


Franklin & Marshall College

B.S. (2006) | Economics & Government


year - Daniel J. Hanecak
Book Award

Torts Florida Coastal School of Law

Book Award in Legal Research & Writing

Florida Coastal School of Law


Car Accident Attorney Hanecak, P.C. 2399 American River Dr. #2C Sacramento CA 95825 Telephone: (916) 619-5452
Car Accident Attorney Hanecak, P.C. 4445 Eastgate Mall #200-2079 San Diego CA 92121 Telephone: (858) 812-2096
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Daniel J. Hanecak
Daniel J. Hanecak Hanecaklaw.com (Personal Injury and Car Accident Attorney)

Experience: 13 years
Website: Open
Location: USA
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English: Spoken, Written
Spanish: Spoken

