Christopher F. Morales

Christopher F. Morales

Christopher F. Morales
Criminal Defense Attorney at Morales Law Firm
Experience: 32 years
Criminal Law, DUI & DWI and Juvenile Law
Super Lawyer, Top 100 Trial Lawyers and 10 others
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If you or your loved have been charged with a crime, you need a skilled criminal defense attorney right away. We defend clients against Federal and State charges, both felonies and misdemeanors, including, but not limited to: Murder, Drug Crimes, Drunk Driving, Theft Crimes, Assault & Battery, Sex Crimes, Juvenile Crimes, Three Strikes, Expungement of Records and White Collar Crimes. Why you need the Morales Law Firm at this critical time: * I am a Board Certified Specialist in Criminal Law, which means I have the highest rating from judges and attorneys (only 1% of attorneys have this certification) * I am rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau - their highest rating * I was name one of the country's Top 100 Trial lawyers * I know how to fight and win. I was a National Boxing Champion and Golden Gloves fighter

Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice


Since 1991

Professional Experience

1992 - Current

The Morales Law Firm



Univ of California Berkeley

Undergraduate Degree

Santa Clara Univ School of Law

Law Degree


year - Christopher F. Morales
Super Lawyer

North California Super Lawyer

Top 100 Trial Lawyers

The National Trial Lawyers

Best Attorney of America

Rue Ratings

Nation's Top One Percent

National Association of Distinguished Counsel

year - Christopher F. Morales
Super Lawyer

North California Super Lawyer

Top 100 Trial Lawyers

The National Trial Lawyers

year - Christopher F. Morales
Super Lawyer

North California Super Lawyer

year - Christopher F. Morales
Northern California Super Lawyer

Super Lawyers Magazine

year - Christopher F. Morales
A+ Rating

Better Business Bureau

year - Christopher F. Morales
Triple A rating

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year - Christopher F. Morales
Certified Specialist in Criminal Law

Board of Legal Specialization, State Bar of California

year - Christopher F. Morales
Community Service Award

Santa Clara University School of Law


Morales Law Firm - San Francisco Office 1388 Sutter Street, Suite 805 San Francisco CA 94109 Telephone: (415) 552-1215 Fax: (415) 674-7643
Morales Law Firm - Redwood City Office 605 Middlefield Rd Redwood City CA 94063 Telephone: (415) 552-1215 Fax: (415) 674-7643


Mail & Wire Fraud
Mail & Wire Fraud
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

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Hello my name is Chris Morales. I'm a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco, California. I'm a board certified specialist in criminal law. Today we are going to be talking about Mail & Wire Fraud. These are two very common Federal offenses. Let's see what the elements of those crimes are -- cause they are identical. Number one, devising or intending to devise a scheme or artifice to defraud another by means of a material misrepresentation. Number two, with the intend to defraud. Number three, the use of mail or interstate wires. Let's take an example that everybody knows about the Bernie Madoff case. Bernie Madoff was a money manager he asked people to send him money and he told them he was going to invest that money and earn a very high rate of return and then return that money to them. People indeed believed him and sent him money to invest, but he never invested it. He spent it on himself. People sent him money either sending checks through the mail or wiring money through their banks. So there you have a perfect example of mail and wire fraud because you have a scheme, you have an intent to defraud and you have the use of mail and bank wires. So, there is a completed crime. That's just an example of mail and wire fraud. If you have any questions about mail and wire fraud, which are Federal offense please feel free to call me at (415)552-1215 and make sure you follow the Morales Law Firm on LinkedIn, YouTube and Facebook.
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Mental Health Issues in the Criminal Justice System
Mental Health Issues in the Criminal Justice System

Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney #mentalhealthissues #criminaljusticesystem

Hello my name is Chris Morales. I'm a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco, California. I'm a board certified specialist in criminal law. Today we are going to talk a little bit about Mental Health Issues and the criminal justice system. So, as a criminal defense attorney and as a public defender you have to be well-schooled in recognizing when your client has a mental health issue. One of the more common serious mental issues is schizophrenia and somebody that is schizophrenic they may have delusions and they may have hallucinations and that can affect the way you defend the case. Potentially there is a defense of insanity there. Potentially there is some mitigation that can reduce the seriousness of the case. When someone is schizophrenic they may very well be hallucinating and normally that is the person hearing voices some voices are telling them what to do giving them advice and directing their movement and so that may be very important in a defense because there maybe an insanity defense there. If this voice directed this person to commit a crime they may have not have known the difference from right and wrong and there may be a viable defense. People that suffer from schizophrenia also can be quite delusional and they may feel like their radio station are broadcasting their thoughts and voices and that they may be getting special messages from television shows -- that they may believe that they are historical figures that they are Jesus Christ or that they are Abraham Lincoln and many folks with schizophrenia suffer from paranoid schizophrenia that is they believe that people are out to get them, that folks are trying to cheat them -- that people are spying on them -- that people are trying to poison them and so these are very, very important things for a criminal defense attorney to be aware of and once you recognize that you want to bring some professional -- some psychiatrist or psychologist to explore that more and see if there is a defense there or if there is some mitigation factors there that you can use in defending the case. If you have any questions about schizophrenia as it relates in the criminal justice system or any mental health issue please call me at (415) 552-1215 and make sure you follow the Morales Law Firm on LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube.
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The Law of Ballistics
The Law of Ballistics
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

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Hello my name is Chris Morales. I'm a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco, California. I'm a board certified specialist in criminal law. Today we are going to be talking about ballistics -- the law of ballistics, which is the law of guns, the law of bullets projectiles shooting in the air. It's really important as a criminal defense attorney to have some knowledge about ballistics because so many of our cases involve guns and shooting and bullets and things of that nature. So, when does the law of ballistics come into play in a case usually it's when there is a shooting and there have been some bullets recovered at the scene of the crime and when the police or the authorities or the FBI have recovered a gun and they want to know if that gun fired those bullets. How do they do that? If they are in possession of the gun what they will do is go to a ballistics expert and have that ballistics expert fire off some test rounds. They will put bullets in the gun and fire them off and then save the test bullets and then they will extract or get the bullets from the scene of the crime and compare the two and see if they match. How do they know if they match? This is how. When a bullet is fired it goes through the barrel of the gun, the barrel of the gun has grooves on the inside of it and that help the bullet to move in a circular manner to turn as it is going through the barrel and if you are a gun maker you want the bullet to turn as it is going through the barrel because the bullet will then fire straight and it will go on a straight line as it leave the gun and that's what you want and so as the bullet is going through the barrel of the gun it is scratching the grooves of the inside of the barrel and those scratches as found on the bullet. So when a ballistics expert is looking under a microscope at the test fire bullets and the bullets that were found at the scene of the crime he or she is looking for striations or scratches that match the test fire bullet and the bullet at the scene of the crime and then they can form an opinion as to whether the bullets at the scene of the crime were fired from that gun. So, those are some basics about the law of ballistics if you have any questions about that or if you have a gun case please feel free to call me (415) 552-1215 and make sure you follow the Morales Law Firm on LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube.
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Your Right to a Jury Trial
Your Right to a Jury Trial
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

Hello my name is Chris Morales. I'm a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco, California. I'm a board certified specialist in criminal law. Today, I want to talk to you about your right to have a jury trial if you are accused of a crime - and when it is appropriate to waive your right to a jury trial. So, the constitution says that every person who is accused of a crime in the United States has a right to a Jury Trial. What does that mean? That means that the prosecutor needs to bring evidence and testimony to a criminal court and present that in front of twelve members of the community who are choose as jurors. Those jurors will listen to the evidence and then they will decide whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty. If the defendant - if they decide the defendant is guilty it has to be a unanimous verdict if only eleven jurors find that the defendant is guilty and one says no - he is not guilty. Then there is no conviction. And if they find somebody guilty of a crime- it has be beyond a reasonable doubt so it's a very hard standard. There really can't be any questions as to the guilt and so that's what happens when you choose to go to trial with a jury. Every once in a while it's very, very, very rare you may want to waive your right to a jury trial and have your trial in front of a judge - one person. That's very rare and I have found in my experience that only happens when the defense attorney lacks confidence in themselves and they don't have the requisite experience and - they are somehow afraid of going and tackling a jury trial. So, be very, very, very careful if your defense attorney recommends waiving your rights to a jury trial. You should almost never do that. If you have any questions about this or of your constitutional right to have a jury trial, please feel free to call me at (415) 552-1215. And be sure to follow the Morales Law Firm on LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube.
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Understanding the Federal Sentencing Guidelines
Understanding the Federal Sentencing Guidelines:
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

Hello, my name is Chris Morales. I'm a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco, California. I'm a board certified specialist in criminal law. Today we are going to be talking about the federal sentencing guidelines. So, in every federal criminal case if a person is convicted the judge has to decide how much punishment or how much time they are going to do in custody. So, there are two parts to every federal sentencing guideline advisory number. That is a number is associated with the actual crime and a number associated with the person's criminal history if they have any. The higher the number the more time in Federal prison. Let's take an example, how about counterfeiting let's say somebody is convicted of counterfeiting, which is making false money. So, the base number for a counterfeiting conviction is nine so that's where we start off. So, numbers are added to that depending on the circumstances. If the amount of counterfeit money found on the person is between two and five thousand dollars then another point is added to the nine making it ten. If the person actually produced the counterfeit money two points are added making it twelve and when the person is arrested. If there is a gun involved in any way shape or form another two points are added. So, now we are at fourteen points, but there are ways to make those numbers down. Early admission to guilt is really important so, if a defendant early on realizes that they are guilty and they are fruitless to not go to trial and they plead guilty then they can get credited for early admission to guilt and they get a reduction of three points for that. It has to happen before the U.S. attorney files any motions or has to do any work on the case. So you get a three point reduction. So, now we are at fourteen minus three we are at eleven let's take a look at what that - how many months in federal prison that would be. It looks like that is - would be between eight and fourteen months in federal prison, but let's say for example the person, the defendant has a prior criminal record and within fifteen years they have gone to prison twice for over a year there is three points added for each of those so six points for criminal history. So, that adds months to the actual prison sentence. So, they are in category three and now the prison term has been bumped up to twelve to eighteen months. So, that's how federal sentencing guidelines work. These are recommendations to the federal judge, so your attorney - your criminal defense attorney can argue to the judge to go lower than those, but that's pretty much where the judge starts. If you have any questions about the federal sentencing guidelines, please call me at 415-552-1215 and make sure you follow the Morales Law Firm on LinkedIn and on Facebook.
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Why you need the Morales Law Firm
Why you need the Morales Law Firm
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

My name is Chris Morales, I’m a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco, California. I’ve been practicing for twenty-three years now. I was formally a deputy public defender in San Mateo County. I’ve been in private practice now for about seventeen years. Some of the typical cases we handle are DUI's and drugs. In Federal Court we handle lots of white collar crimes, embezzlement, securities, fraud, and insider trading. I love what I do. I started in the criminal defense field in law school. I knew early on - I wanted to be a criminal defense attorney and there is something really fun and neat and empowering about representing folks who are charged by the government and going to battle with the police and prosecutors every single day. So my main office is located in San Francisco, California. I have a satellite office in Redwood City, but honestly we go all over the San Francisco Bay Area and Northern California defending clients. If you are charged with a crime or you or a loved one is charged with a crime please call me immediately at 415-552-1215 and we can schedule an in-person live consultation. There is no cost to you.
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When you Should & Shouldn't talk to the Police
When you Should & Shouldn't talk to the Police
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

Hello, my name is Chris Morales I'm a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco, California. I'm a board certified specialist in criminal law. I get asked a lot Chris when should I talk to the police and when should I not talk to the police?

Well if you are the victim of the crime and someone has assaulted you, stolen your money, hurt you then you should talk to the police give the police as much information as you can so they can help solve the crime and hopefully arrest who did you wrong. Also, if you are the witness of a crime I think it's our responsibility as citizens to cooperate with the police to help them solve the crime.

On the other hand, if you believe that you are the suspect of a crime or the police has suspect you of committing a crime be very very careful of cooperating with the police. It is always best to speak with a lawyer first before talking to the police. In my experience, as over 20 years of doing criminal defense exclusively - most of the time when defendants or folks accused of crimes speak to the police they hurt themselves a lot. They either make admissions, they make confessions, they get things wrong, they are so nervous in talking to the police that they mess it up and later on that comes back to haunt them. Even if they haven't done anything wrong. So if you believe you are the target of a police investigation always talk to an attorney before speaking with the police.

If you have any further questions about this please call me at (415) 552-1215. Take a look at website we have free information about this particular topic that is, take a look at us at YouTube, follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
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Three Alternatives to County Jail
Three Alternatives to County Jail
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

Hello, my name is Chris Morales I'm a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco, California. I'm a board certified specialist in criminal law and today I want to talk about alternatives to the county jail.

If you are sentenced to the county jail for a misdemeanor or a felony by the judge there are some options your attorney can advocate for you to - if you have a drug or alcohol problems to do your time in a residential treatment program instead of a county jail.

If you have a really good reason you can ask the judge to sentence you to home confinement-electronic monitoring. That is when an ankle bracelet is put around your ankle and you cannot leave your home, you have to stay there and you are basically serving your jail sentence inside of your home.

There is also work furlough, if you have a full-time job and if the county has this program, not all counties have work furlough but some do. You can sleep in the jail and they will release you in the morning to go to your job and you can work full-time and keep your job and still do your work sentence. The downside to working furlough is that your boss has to know about this. So the boss has to sign off saying it's OK.

There are three alternatives to serving a county jail sentence that your attorney can talk to you about and I can certainly talk to you about, please give me a call at (415) 552-1215. Visit us at our website and follow us on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.
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Pardons in California
Pardons in California
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

Hi, my name is Chris Morales, I'm a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco, California. I'm a board certified specialist in criminal law, today I want to talk about pardons, pardons from the governor.

We live in California right now we have a really good governor, governor Brown he is inclined to grant pardons, so if you have an old conviction 20, 30 years old or non-violent crimes, maybe something like selling marijuana or something cocaine in the 80's and you lived a crime free life since then you have a chance of getting a pardon, which will erase the felony and the effects of the felony.

So it's a three step process to get that pardon. Number one, you have to get an expungement, we can help you with that from the county where the conviction happened and that usually is a motion that is filled in court.

After that we go court where you live right now, and we file a motion for a certificate of rehabilitation. A certificate of rehabilitation is basically a declaration by a Superior Court judge in the county where you live that you have been rehabilitated. In order to get that certificate of rehabilitation the District Attorney in that county will do an extensive background check to make sure that you have lived a crime free life for a long time.

Once the certificate of rehabilitation has been granted that acts as an application for pardon from the governor. From there we go to Sacramento and we make all efforts and we can help you there to get your particular application for a pardon on the governor's desk - of course the governor has a lot of pardons to consider, but we will help you get in front of the line.

If you have any further questions about getting pardons in the State of California, please call my number at (415) 552-1215. Please visit my website at, follow me on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter we have a lot of really, really useful information. Visit our website and our blog and call me with any questions.
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What is a Criminal Law Specialist?
What is a Criminal Law Specialist?
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

Hello, my name is Chris Morales I'm a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco, California. I'm also a board certified specialist in criminal law and I want to talk today how I became a board certified specialist in criminal law.

The state bar of California certifies some attorneys to be specialists. You can be a specialist in family law and in immigration law, in criminal law and in two - three other areas of the law.

Now why does the state bar do this? The state bar does this so that consumers can know the best of the best and helps them make that tough decision to who to hire and not to hire. In order to become a certified specialist in California you must do three things.

First of all you must pass a written test, it's an all day written test that is very difficult and very substantive. You must get recommendations from judges, attorneys that know your work and number three really important you must stay up to date on the latest laws in your area. For me that is criminal law, which means I have to attend about 30 hours of MCLE advance placement classes every single year and then that helps me keep abreast of the latest laws of criminal law.

I have to re-certify every 5 years, which means every 5 years the state bar of California does an extensive investigation, they contact judges and other attorneys about me and ask how I am doing and if I really the best of the best and only then am I certified as a board certified specialist. Only about 1% of the attorneys in California are board certified specialist.

If you have any questions about becoming a board certified specialist, please call me at (415) 552 - 1215. Visit us at our website Follow us on YouTube,Facebook and Twitter.
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What is an Expungement? (California)
What is an Expungement?
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

Hi, my name is Chris Morales, I'm a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco, California. I'm a board certified specialist in criminal law and today I want to talk about expungements.

An expungement is a mechanism or a petition to clean up a criminal record. So, if you or someone you know has suffered a conviction either a misdemeanor or a felony and if all the terms of the sentence have been completed satisfactorily in other words jail time has been done the fines have been paid and the term of probation, which is typically three years has been completed without any issues or problems then we can go back to court and petition for an expungement. An expungement does not erase the conviction, but it does soften the effects of the conviction and it really helps a lot if you are looking for a job or for immigration purposes is to have an expungement. It shows up in your criminal record basically as the case being dismissed and so it is always good to get an expungement if you have suffered a conviction.

If you have any questions about expungements please call me at (415) 552-1215. Visit me at my website at, follow me on twitter, Facebook and YouTube
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The Law of Homicide
The Law of Homicide
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

Hello, my name is Chris Morales, I'm a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco, California. I'm a board certified specialist in criminal law and today I want to go over the basics of homicide. Homicide law, there are four types of homicides. There is first degree murder, second degree murder, voluntary homicide and involuntary homicide. So, first degree murder of course is the most serious it is an expressed malice type of crime and in other words the killer intended to kill the other person and had a motive and had malice towards that person. Second degree murder is not quite as serious it is still - the killer had the intention to kill the deceased, but they may have not had the motive and the malice that a first degree murder would have. Number three we have voluntary manslaughter, there are two types of voluntary manslaughter. Imperfect Self Defense and that is if you kill someone believing that you are defending yourself, but actually a reasonable person standing in your shoes would have not believed that you were in danger - that is imperfect self-defense.
There is also heat of passion type of murder and the typical case is a jealous husband comes home finds wife in bed with lover and kills both of them in a fit of rage. Those are manslaughter type of cases, but then there are in-voluntary manslaughter type of cases where the defendant did not mean to kill the other person, but they still did. A typical case would be in a DUI type of accident where somebody is drunk and they get into an accident and the other driver or passenger is killed. They did not intend for that to happen, but they committed a crime because they were acting recklessly and in a dangerous fashion. So those are the four types of homicide. If you have any questions about that or of the law of homicide, please call me at (415) 552-1215. Visit me at my website we have more information and videos about murder on our website at and follow us on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.
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What is a Plea Bargain?
What is a Plea Bargain?
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

Hello, my name is Chris Morales I'm a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco, California. I'm a board certified specialist in criminal law and today I want to talk about a plea bargains.

We all have heard about plea bargains here is the bottom line on plea bargains. After you been arraigned in court, which is the official start in a criminal case your attorney will gather all the evidence and the police reports and the transcripts and the videos and review all of that evidence.
Hopefully do a lot of research as to that particular crime look at all the defenses. Also talk to you about your life, talk about your background, about your family, about any potential drug or alcohol problems. About all the good things you done in your life, the times you volunteered at school and volunteered to coach a children's team and put together a nice package a nice presentation for the District Attorney and the judge.
At some point in time during your case your attorney is going to sit down with the District Attorney and the judge and talk about the case. That's the time for your attorney to make a presentation to them, tell them about the weaknesses in the case, tell them about your life, all the good things that you been doing, your future plans and hopefully get a good plea bargain out of the judge and the DA.
The District Attorney will offer a particular charge to plea guilty to and probably agree to dismiss some other charges and then the judge will decide on a particular sentence and all of that is based on your lawyer being really prepared and making a nice presentation to them. That's what a plea bargain is.
If you have any questions about plea bargains feel free to give me a call at (415) 552 -1215. Visit us on our website and follow us on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.
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How can a Criminal Conviction affect my Immigration Status?
How can a criminal conviction affect my immigration status?
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

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Hello, my name is Chris Morales I'm a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco, California. I am a board certified specialist in criminal law. I want to talk today a little about criminal law and immigration law. If you are a non-citizen living here in the United States and you are arrested and charged with a crime how that criminal case is handled can affect your immigration status.

So it is very, very important to have a criminal attorney who knows something about immigration law or has a good relationship with really good immigration attorneys so they can consult and resolve the criminal case in a way that is not going to get you deported.

So, some crimes or crimes of moral turpitude those can get you deported some crimes such as guns, drugs or domestic violence can also get you deported so it is really important when your attorney is resolving the case and negotiating with the District Attorney's Office and the judge that they come up with a plea bargain that is not going to affect your immigration status.

If you have a questions about how immigration and criminal intersect please call me at (415) 552 - 1215.
Visit me at my website which is, visit us at YouTube follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
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The Truth in Lawyer Advertising
The Truth in Lawyer Advertising
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

Hi, my name is Chris Morales I'm a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco, California and today I want to talk about the truth in lawyer advertising.

If you are shopping for a lawyer or looking for a criminal defense attorney to defend you or a loved one. You are going to hear and read a lot about attorneys who build themselves as being experienced, as being competent, as being aggressive.

What do those terms really mean, you need to dig a bit deeper. Experience how many years have they been practicing you can ask them that, how many jury trials have they tried by themselves there should be a large number. At least 50, between 50 and 100 ideally. Are they aggressive how often do they go to trial.
You want an attorney who goes to trial regularly every year 2,3, 4 or 5 times every year. That lets you know they are an aggressive attorney.

Some people say they are experts in Criminal Law or they are specialist in Criminal Law. You need to ask them if they are board certified specialist because it is unethical to build yourself as a specialist or expert unless the state bar of California says you are.
They are the only ones that can say you are a certified specialist in criminal law and that's the only time you can advertise yourself as an expert or as a specialist.

So those are some things some measuring sticks that you can use in choosing a criminal defense attorney. You can also go to and look for attorneys that are rated superb you can go to the better business bureau to find attorneys that have an A+ rating so those are a couple of secondary sources for picking your attorney.

Best of luck to you.
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Prosecution for Growing Marijuana in State & Federal Court
Prosecution for Growing Marijuana in State & Federal Court
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

Hello, my name is Chris Morales I'm a criminal defense attorney here in San Francisco, California. I want to talk today about the difference in prosecution for marijuana grow houses - the difference in Federal and State Court.

In Federal Court usually the U.S. attorneys and the DA are only interested in prosecuting marijuana grow houses when there is a lot of plants maybe 1,000 or more. Those are the type of cases they are interested in. They are also interested in prosecuting those type of cases if they believe the grower is part of a larger cartel or part of a larger organization. Then they will go after those types of cases, but mainly marijuana grow houses are prosecuted by the state government, by a local prosecutor and a lot of times those cases involve stealing electricity.So a marijuana grower will go into a house and grow plants and then plug into the local electricity and not pay for it.

I seen some cases where the bill is something like 70,000 dollars after 6 months and so that is even a bigger issue then actually growing several hundred plants - is the stealing of electricity.

So, there is a big difference between the Federal and State Prosecution the penalties in Federal Court is much more severe than in State Court.

If you are prosecuted and convicted in Federal Court there is a mandatory of minimum of 5 years in Federal prison. So in State Court if you are prosecuted and convicted of having marijuana grow house depending on the number of plants you are looking at a jail sentence of 90 to 120 days something along those lines.So those are some big differences.

If you have a marijuana grow case please call my office we can discuss it with you and help you out. My phone number is (415) 552-1215. Good Luck
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When to use the Public Defender's Office
When to use the Public Defender's Office
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

Hello, my name is Chris Morales and I'm a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco, California and today I want to talk about when you should or should not use the Public Defender's office.

First let's talk about the Public Defender's offices.They are set up to represent poor people. People who do not have the funds to hire a private attorney. The United States Constitution says that everybody should get an attorney if they charged with a crime. So that' why we have a public defender's offices they are funded by the counties and sometimes by the state.

As you probably know by now Public Defenders are very nice people very sincere, but they are usually over worked and underpaid. Usually have very high volumes of cases and handling lots and lots of cases.

So, if you do choose to use the Public Defender you are not going to get a lot of personal attention you may not even sit down in an office and talk to your Public Defender. They may be too busy to actually sit and have a conversation with you. Many times you will just meet them in court outside in the hallway minutes before your case is called.

So, if you are going to use the Public Defenders you have to be very proactive call them not everyday, but once in a while to say hello to see if you can have a sit down interview with them. You want to get them all of your employment records, character reference letters you have to do a lot things on your own cause they don't have time to do all the small things that go into defending a criminal case. So you will have to take care of those things yourself.

If, you can afford to hire a private attorney a good private attorney it's always better because you can rest assure that all the little things are going to be done and get the best possible defense.

Now there are times where you should use the Public Defenders if you qualify that is if you have asked around and talked to a bunch of people and the assigned Public Defender, the one that you have gets very high ratings from everybody else. If you have a really good one and you qualify for the public defenders you should stick with that public defender.

The second time you should stick with a public defenders office is if you have a very complex murder case. So a murder cases cost a lot of money if you are going to hire a private attorney and it can cost anywhere from 50-100 thousand dollars. Not everybody has the sufficient funds to hire a good attorney, a good private attorney to handle a murder case.

So, if you have a complex murder case and you qualify for the public defenders the chances are that the best attorneys in that public defender office will be assigned to that murder case. That is the way it works as attorneys work their way up through the public defenders office the best attorneys and highest qualified attorneys end up with the juicer cases, which are usually the murder cases.

So those are the two situations where you should use a public defender in a criminal case if you qualify. For more information about criminal defense and about public defenders please visit my website at you can also call me at (415) 552-1215 and please follow me on Facebook and Twitter.
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An Arrest Without a Warrant
An Arrest Without a Warrant
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

Hello, my name is Chris Morales I'm a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco,California. I'm a board certified specialist in Criminal Law.

Today, I want to talk about when an officer can arrest somebody without an arrest warrant.

So, let's talk about what an arrest warrant is first of all, an arrest warrant is when a police officer goes to a judge with a written request to arrest somebody and that police officer will write out in the request exactly why they want to arrest this person and what crimes they are accused of committing. The judge will then review that request and will sign it or not sign it, but there are times when a police officer can arrest somebody without an arrest warrant, without the permission of a judge.

If it is a misdemeanor such as driving under the influence of alcohol or DUI a police officer can arrest somebody only if the crime is committed in their presence. In other words if a CHP sees someone driving and swerving on the road they can pull that car over and if they determine that the person is under the influence they can arrest them.

A police officer can arrest somebody on a felony if the crime is not committed in their presence if they have probable cause to believe that person committed a felony. Probable cause is they have to justifiable reasons or information or evidence that, that person committed a felony. If they have that they can go ahead an arrest that person.

Now a really interesting part of the law of arrest when can a police officer go into somebody's home and arrest them. So someone's home is their castle there is a lot of privacy rights around your home or apartment, but there are special reasons and special times when a police officer can go into some one's home. If they are in hot pursuit of somebody in other words they are chasing somebody outside the home and the person runs into a particular house.The police officer does not have to stop at the door the police officer can chase them inside the house and arrest them.

Another time a police officer can go into somebody's house to arrest them is if they believe that somebody is in danger. If the police office has a sincere belief that somebody's in danger then they can break down the door and go into somebody's house and arrest them.

The third way they can go into somebody's house and arrest them is if they have permission from one of the residents at the house and if they ask for permission and the permission is given then the police officer can enter the house and arrest that person.

So, those are the different ways that a police officer can arrest a person without an arrest warrant.

For more information on the law of arrest please visit my website it's at follow me on Twitter and Facebook. You can click onto those at my homepage of my website. Also you can call me if you have any questions about the law of arrest (415) 552-121
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The Law of Search & Seizure in California
The Law of Search
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

Hello, my name is Chris Morales I'm a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco, California and I'm a board certified specialist in criminal law.

Today, I want to talk about the law of searches, searches by the police. When the police can and cannot search you as your walking down the street or when they can and cannot search your house and when they can and cannot search your car.

Many searches are done via a search warrant in other words a police officer who has some evidence that there are some contraband like guns or drugs at a certain place will go to a judge with a request with a written request and ask the judge to read through the request and read through why they want to go to this house or car or person and search. If the judge approves this search warrant, the judge will sign off, the judge will also give strict instructions to the police officer. In other words the judge will say- yes you can search this house, but you only have two weeks to do it and you can only do it during the day. So those are some restrictions that the judge will put on the police officer.

With that search warrant in hand the police can go ahead and conduct a search. Now there are times when the police officer can search someone or search their house or car without the permission of a judge.

These are very special times, if the police officer stops someone on the street to talk to them about a potential crime or to gather some evidence the police officer is within their right to a quick pat down search. Whether they are looking for specifically is any weapons that the person may have and the Supreme Court has said this is OK for a police officer to do this for their own safety.

It has to be really non-intrusive and it has to be quick pat down search just looking for bulky items such as a gun or knife. The police can also search you or your house or your car if you give consent and this happens a lot. The police officer will ask you - may I look in your car, look into your trunk or go into your house and a lot of times people will give their consent to search.

It seems to me that people don't know that they can say no to the police. They can say no you do not have consent to search my car go get a search warrant. I think a lot of people get intimidated when there are two or three police officers sorta surrounding them and asking them for consent to search so they go ahead and consent to that search. But you are absolutely within your constitutional rights to say no you can not search, go see a judge go get a search warrant.

So, those are some of the laws of searches by police officers. To read more about what is an unlawful search and/or seizure go to my website and you can download some free information there. Also follow me on Twitter and Facebook and if you would like to discuss a particular situation or a particular search go ahead and call me (415) 552 -1215.
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When Hiring a Criminal Defense Attorney
When Hiring a Criminal Defense Attorney
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

Hello, my name is Chris Morales I'm a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco, California and today I want to talk about 5 things you should look for in hiring a criminal defense attorney.

#1: Make sure that they have A+ rating by the better business bureau. The better business bureau has been around forever and they do a thorough job in investigating all businesses and making sure that only the best businesses get a A+ rating.

#2: Make sure your attorney is a board certified specialist in criminal law that is the state bar of California gives them the top rating. State Bar of California will investigate attorneys who apply to be board certified specialist.They will talk to judges other attorneys and prosecutors and only the best of the best really become board certified specialist.

#3: Make sure your attorney has plenty of jury trial experience. At least 50 jury trials. You can't really know all the in's and out's of how to defend a case unless you have gone to trial a lot. A least 50 jury trials.

#4: Make sure your attorney has lots of years of experience. I would say at least 20 years of experience before hiring them. That way you know you have confidence that they handle all kinds of cases and know the in's and out's of criminal justice system.

#5: Make sure your criminal lawyer has a really good team behind them. It's really hard for a lawyer to do all the little things that go into defending a criminal case. So they should have other attorneys working for them, support staff and top notch investigators.

For more information visit my website at and follow me on Facebook and Twitter.
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The Law of Hit & Run
The Law of Hit & Run
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

Hello, my name is Chris Morales I'm a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco,California. I'm a board certified specialist in criminal law.

I want to talk today about a very common occurrence and crime.It is the law of hit and run and the law is really strict here if you get into any sort of accident or fender bender or minor scratch you have to stop and exchange information with the driver.

If you hit a car accidentally that is parked and the driver is not around you are obligated by law to leave your contact information and if you have it your car registration and you insurance information with that vehicle or track that person down the owner of that vehicle and give that to them.

If you do not do this you are charged with vehicle code section hit and run and you will be arrested and go to court.

So, if you neglect to do and you do go to court there is a way out of this. The law can be a little bit forgiving in this particular instance. If you damage somebody's car and you are able to pay for that damage and if the other person is agreeable then you can do what is called a civil compromise. That is if you can show that you paid all of the damage for the other party and the other party will write just a brief letter to the judge saying you know what I been paid in full I do not seek any prosecution and I want the case dismissed. The judge can dismiss the case even if the District attorney objects to the dismissal. So, that is called a civil compromise and it only works for minor hit and run cases.

If there are any injuries involved the chances of you getting a civil compromise are very, very slim.

So that is the law of Hit & Run in California.
If you want more information please visit my website at or call me at (415) 552-1215 and be sure to read my blog and follow me on Twitter and Facebook.
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Child Pornography
Child Pornography
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

Hello, my name is Chris Morales I'm a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco, California. I'm a board certified specialist in criminal law.

Today I want to talk about Child Pornography. The authorities, the Feds and also the state and local police are cracking down more and more on possession of Child Pornography.

The way that they find people who have Child Pornography on their computers is by using high technology. So the police are able to find out who is using certain type of file sharing software on their computer. Then they can actually go into that computer from the police station and find out what search terms are being used by the operator of that computer and what photos and videos they are downloading.

With that initial information they can go to a judge and get a search warrant. They can get permission to go into that person's house and seize or take their computers and hard drives and bring them back to the police station for a more thorough search.

So, that is how one gets caught with child pornography on their computer it's because they are using file sharing software.

Once someone is arrested for child pornography the laws are very strict and Federal laws are even stricter than local and California law.

The more videos you have on your computer and the more photos of children under age who are engaged in some sort of sexual activity the more years you will spend in prison. So if you have 0 to 100 videos of a child or children engaged in a sexual activity, then you will do 4 to 6 years. If you have between 100 and 1,000 videos or photos you will do more years and it goes on from there.

Now the police determine that the children on the video and photos are under 18 by the use of doctors, pediatric doctors who will come in and examine the bone structure and the physical bodies of the images and they will form an opinion as to what age those children are and sometimes it is quite clear if they are 6,7,8, 9, 10 years old that they are under 18. It's a closer call when they are more teenagers as to whether it's actually child porn or not, but the bottom line is that it all starts with file sharing programs.

If you want to learn more about child pornography, please visit my website and my blog at and if you have any questions feel free to call me (415) 552-1215 and follow me on Twitter and Facebook.
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The Law of Bail
The Law of Bail
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

Hello, my name is Chris Morales I'm a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco,California. I'm a board certified specialist in criminal law.

Today we are going to talk about the law of bail. It's in the United States Constitution that everybody that is arrested and charged with a crime has the right to bail. The only exception to that is if somebody is charged with murder and then there will be no bail that is in California only.

So, how does the law of bail work?

When somebody is arrested by the police and they are taken to the county jail the jailers will set an amount for bail and that is based on the charges. So if it is a drug case, the bail may be $10,000, if it is a gun case bail may be $20,000, if it is a burglary case bail may $100,000.

How does the family and friends go about posting that bail?
There are basically 3 ways.

You can use a bails bondman and the bail bondsman usually charge between 5 and 10 percent of the whole amount in order to bail somebody out. You can go to my website at and I have posted the names of a couple of my favorite bails bondsman there. So you can use a bail bondsman.

You can also give the jailers the full amount. So if bail is $10,000 you can go there with a check/cashiers check for $10,000, $10,000 in cash or $10,000 on your credit card they will take that and hold that amount of money until the case is over. Once the case is over then they will return that money to whomever posted it. So once either bail is posted by cash or through a bail bondsman then it usually takes about 4 or 5 hours for the person to be released. Bail has to be posted there has to be a lot of paper work done then the person is released.

Now there is a third way to post bail.This takes a little bit longer if you have real estate or property that is worth two in a half times the amount of bail then you can turn that property over to the Superior Court judge and the county where the person is being held and the judge will hold that property and then release the person.When the case is over the judge will return that property back over to whomever put that property up. This process can take a week or two if not longer because the judge is going to want an appraisal of the house. The judge is going to want there is enough equity in the house or at least twice the amount of bail. In other words, if the bail is $100,000 then there has to be enough equity in the house or houses for $200,000 at least. And that has to be on an appraisal that was done within 6 months.

So those are the 3 ways to post bail. Please go to my website to find out more about the law of bail and also follow me on Twitter, and Facebook and Google+. Again, my website address is
Call me for a free consultation at (415) 552-1215.
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How can a Felony Conviction Affect You
How can Felony Conviction Affect You
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

Hello, my name is Chris Morales. I am a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco, California. I'm a board certified specialist in criminal law.

Today I want to talk about felony convictions and how they can affect you for the remainder of your life. Felony convictions can prevent you from joining the armed forces such as the army, navy or air force. It can prevent you from owning a gun, it can prevent you from serving on a jury, from holding public office, from getting a state license like a plumbers license, or electrician license or from being a lawyer.

So, all these things you cannot do as a convicted felon, but there is hope many felonies can be reduced to misdemeanors and then you are not a convicted felon any more you are only convicted of a misdemeanor. Felonies can also at times be expunged, which softens the effect of the felony.

After 7 or 8 years at least here in California you can get a certificate of rehabilitation, which also helps to soften the effects of the felony. Sometimes if there is a mistake made by the prosecutor, the judge or even your own lawyer at the time you were convicted there may be a way to go back and over-turn the entire conviction that's the best case scenario.

There are other ways to soften or to get rid of your felony conviction. I've written a special free report you can download it at my website: and that will give you more ideas how to clean up your criminal record.
You can also call me at (415) 552 -1215 and we can discuss the matter more. And follow me on Twitter and on Facebook and read my blog. We regularly post blogs on how to clean up your criminal record.
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Money Laundering
Money Laundering
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

Hi, my name is Chris Morales. I am a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco, California and I am a board specialist in Criminal Law.

Today I want to talk about Money Laundering. Money Laundering is changing money that was earned from illegal activities like drug dealing or pimping or other illegal crimes and making it clean so it is usable. Usually that is it done by taking the cash that was the proceeds of let's say a drug deal and taking it to a legitimate business such as a bar or restaurant or solune and intermixing it with the money that was earned at that solune. So a lot of times money laundering operations go through legitimate businesses that deal with a lot of cash like restaurants and bars.

And how does someone get caught laundering money?

A lot of times it is the IRS as they are processing the tax returns they will see that this particular bar or restaurant deposits a lot of cash, more cash than other simulated business situated in that area. That will raise some red flags.

Another way that a money laundering operation is uncovered is by a tip from somebody on the inside or if the DA let's say is following a drug dealer and they see that this drug dealer frequents or goes to this particular bar or pizza parlor or restaurant a lot then they will take a closer look at the bank deposits from that restaurant.

Many money laundering cases are brought by the Federal government and the consequences can be very, very severe many years in prison.

If you want more information about money laundering, please visit my website at: Call me on the phone to talk about it (415) 552 -1215 and follow me on Twitter and Facebook.
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The Law of Competency in a Criminal Case
The Law of Competency in a Criminal Case
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

Hi my name is Chris Morales, I am a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco, California. I am a board certified specialist in criminal law.

Today I want to talk about the law of competency in a criminal cases. Every criminal defendant must be competent to stand in trial in order for their case to precede in court. In other words they have to have the mental capacity to understand the role of the judge, the role of the district attorney, the role of their own attorney and also be able to assist and help their attorney prepare their defense. If they can't do those things because they have some sort of mental disorder like schizophrenia or they are bipolar or they have a severe case of depression they may not be competent to stand trial.

The competency proceeding starts in criminal court when the defense attorney declares to the judge, tells the judge, "Judge you know what I have a doubt as to the competency of my client, I don't know whether they understand what's exactly is going on." Once those words are spoken the judge then is obligated to appoint a psychiatrist and psychologist to interview client and to evaluate as to competency.

If the doctors believe that the client is not competent then the judge will rule that the client is not competent and then the criminal proceedings are suspended, which means they are put on hold and the client is sent to a mental health hospital in order to get help for their mental health issues and hopefully to become competent.

There is a time limit as to how much time they can spend in the mental health hospital it has to be 3 years or less. If they are still not competent after 3 years then the case is dismissed. That's the law of competency.

For more information as to criminal law and the law of competency please visit my website at there is free information there. You can also follow me on Twitter and Facebook and you can get to those accounts on the home page of my website.

Again, Chris Morales you can call me at (415) 552-1215.
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California's Three Strikes Sentencing Laws
California's Three Strikes Sentencing Laws
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

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Hello my name is Chris Morales, I am a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco, California. I am a board certified specialist in criminal law.

Today I want to talk about which crimes are strike felonies in the state of California. So there are three types of crimes in California.

There are infractions which are lowest level of crimes. Those are speeding tickets those are disturbing the peace and the maximum punishment for an infractions are a fine only. A person cannot go to jail for being convicted for an infraction.

Now stepping up from an infraction are misdemeanors. And all misdemeanors the maximum penalty one year in the county jail. After that there are regular felonies where you can spend several years in state prison.

Then there are strike felonies which are the most serious type of felonies. Many strike felonies are violent or serious felonies such as robbery, murder, attempted robbery, rape even burglary going into someones house and stealing stuff is a strike in California.

So if you accumulate three strikes in California you are eligible for the three strike law, which means you will get 25 to life if convicted.

If you are convicted of two strikes you are eligible for the second strike case. In which normal term for the felony that you are arrested on is doubled and you have to serve 80%. In other words if the strike is a burglary where the maximum penalty is 6 years that is doubled to 12 years. You then have to spend 80% of that time in state prison.

So strike felonies are the most serious type of felonies in California, but the law is changing constantly on the law of strikes. For updated information as to the law of strike please visit my website and my blog.

My website is from the home page of my website you can go to my blog and learn more about strikes.

Also follow me on Twitter and Facebook. And if you have any questions about strikes in California please call me at
(415) 552 -1215.
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Christopher Morales -  Introduction
Christopher Morales - Introduction
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

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Hello my name is Chris Morales. I am a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco, California. I been practicing criminal defense for over 20 years. I started off right here in San Francisco.

I was born and raised here went to all parochial catholic schools then went on to UC Berkeley for college. My law school was Santa Clara Law School, which is an outstanding school.

When I was in law school I discovered, I realized I really have a passion for criminal defense. I really enjoy taking on the police and the prosecutors and the government and in defending people who are accused of crimes. That is why I only handle criminal cases and only been doing that for over 20 years.

Typical cases for us are DUI, drugs, theft, sex cases and also murder and white collar crime cases. White collar crime cases are embezzlement, security fraud anything where a lot of money is involved. Those cases are typically handled by the Federal government and prosecuted by the US Attorney office.

One thing that we also do here in the Morales Law Firm is help people clean up their criminal records. Sometimes people make mistakes as young folks and they have a conviction on their record we can often times go back and help clean that up and soften the conviction or erase it completely.

If you want any further information please call me at (415) 552-1215. Visit my website at and follow me on Facebook and Twitter.
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What are White Collar Crimes?
What are White Collar Crimes?
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

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Hi I'm Chris Morales.

White collar crimes are crimes like embezzlement, insider trading, criminal anti-trust cases they are financially crimes where money is involved mainly these cases are prosecuted by the Federal government.

Although sometimes the local District Attorney will prosecute these cases. Theses cases can be very complex, very time consuming and the attorney that handles these cases must have a background in the finances or in accounting.

Before going into Law School I was a commodity broker so I am very familiar all the Federal rules and regulations.

If you feel that you being investigated for a financial crime or the subject of grand jury investigation call my office immediately to set up a confidential consultation.
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Chris Morales Explains the Law of Sentencing
Christopher Morales Explains the law of Sentencing
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

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Hi I'm Chris Morales,
I been in practice of criminal defense for over 20 years now. I always get a lot of questions about sentencing. So I want to go over the basics of sentencing with you today.
There are three types of crimes there is infractions there are misdemeanors and there are felonies.
For infractions the most that happen to you is a find and you cannot go to jail if you are convicted of an infraction.
For misdemeanors the most time you can do in jail is one year. That's the maximum for a misdemeanor. For felonies the most serious type of crime you can do up to an entire lifetime.
Before being sentenced by the judge you have the right to have a sentencing hearing. At the sentencing hearing you can bring witnesses that can testify as to your good character. You can offer letters from former employers, school records to show that you were in school. Any sort of documents or witnesses that will convince the judge that you are a good person and you made this one mistake.
Now the prosecution also has a chance to bring witnesses and what they may do is bring the victim in the crime that you committed to court to testify against you. So it is a double edge sword. Now the judge has some restrictions as to how much time that he or she can sentence you to. The judge does not have to sentence the defendant to prison or to jail. The judge can sentence a defendant to a probation area period with the stipulation that the defendant stays out of trouble. Let's say for three years and the defendant may have to go counseling, may have go to NA meetings, AA meetings, anger management courses, something along those line, but without seeing the inside of a jail sail or prison cell. There may be some fines involved in a sentence that you have to pay.You'll have time to pay those fines. Also there may be restitution orders if someone lost someone or there was some property damage the judge will order the defendant to pay or make restitution to that victim.
Sentencing can be a complex area, if you have any questions about sentencing please call my office. We can make an appointment and you can come in and we can talk about the different aspects of sentencing.
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Did the Police illegally Search you, Your car or Your house?
Did the Police illegally Search you, Your car or Your house?
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

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Hi I'm Chris Morales,
There are two ways that the police can go into your home even though you have a high expectation of privacy.

#1 In an emergency circumstance. If they are following a dangerous person and he runs into your home. They can legally enter your home and get that person.

#2 If they hearing somebody screaming and are afraid someone is going to get hurt in that house then they can go into that house. Even though you have a high expectation of privacy.

Finally, the way they can go into your house legally is if they have search warrant. They have to apply to a superior court judge and give really good reasons why they should be able to go into your home.

If you have a question as to whether the search in your case was legal please call my office and make an appointment and we can sit down and discuss the legality of the search.
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What to Expect at Your Criminal Jury Trial
What to Expect at Your Criminal Jury Trial
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

At the very beginning of the trial the judge will rule on some preliminary matters and then jurors will come in. Potential jurors about 100 of them, you and the prosecutor and the judge will decide which 12 of those jurors will hear the case. Those 12 jurors will render their decision after hearing all the evidence and hearing all the testimony.

After selecting the jury both sides the prosecution and the defense will give opening statements and then the prosecution will put on their case. They will bring witnesses to trial, they will submit documents, they will put on their case.

Your attorney of course will have the chance to cross-examine all of their witnesses. After the prosecution rests then the defense has a chance to put on their witnesses an offer and any evidence that they have to buttress their claim that you are innocent of the charges. After all the evidence is in, the jurors will adjourn to a small room where they will discuss the evidence and testimony. After they have deliberated for a while they will then decide whether you are guilty to the charges or not.

If guilty to the charges then you will be sentenced by the judge that's not the job of the jury. If you would like to discuss the hazards and the risks and maybe the benefits of going to trial please call my office and we'll set up an appointment.
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Chris Morales' latest Book, 11 Mistakes to Avoid at the Beginning of Your Criminal Case
Chris Morales' latest Book, 11 Mistakes to Avoid at the Beginning of Your Criminal Case
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

Hi this is Chris Morales, I've just written a new book "11 Mistakes to avoid at the beginning of your Criminal Case".

The very beginning of your criminal case is the most important part of the case. What I do in my book is explain - how at very beginning to get the information about your case - the bail, the actual charges.

We discuss bail issues whether you should pay bail. If you are going to pay bail should you use a bail bonds man or should you put your house up, or should you put cash up.

We also talk about whether you should use the public defender or not. But most importantly I teach you how to hire the very best private criminal defense attorney to handle your case.

We talk about how you should only, only hire someone that is specialist in criminal law and how you should never hire a former prosecutor.

There is a bonus section in my book "The Seven Stages of a Criminal Case" which will also help acclimate you what's going to be happening in your case.

Whether you hire my law firm or not to represent you it is critical that you get this information. Go to my website and download it. It's Free!

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How to Clean Up Your Criminal Record
How to Clean Up Your Criminal Record
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

Hi I'm Chris Morales,
At my law firm we have helped thousands of people clean up their criminal records.

A criminal record can prevent you from getting a good job, it can prevent you from immigrating or from becoming a United States citizen, it can prevent you from joining the military. Most of all it can prevent you from having a good night sleep every single night.

We can help you if you are a convicted felon possibly reduce your felony to a misdemeanor. There is no reason to go through life as a convicted felon if there is a way to get that felony off your record.

We have even helped people reduce misdemeanor to infractions. We have helped people expunge their conviction, which is a complete dismissal of their case. We have helped people seal their juvenile records so that nobody can ever see it. We have helped people apply pardons from the governor.

We have many tools that we use to help folks just like you clean up their criminal records and sleep better at night.

If you been convicted of a very serious offense what we help people do is go to court and get a certificate of rehabilitation. A certificate of rehabilitation is a public proclamation by the presiding criminal judge that you have been rehabilitated. It also acts as a application to the governor for a pardon.

We have many tools in our dispose and we can help you today to clean up your criminal record. Please call my office and we will set up an appointment.
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Chris Morales Explains the 3 Most Important Criminal Laws
California Attorney Christopher Morales explains the three most important criminal laws.
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

Hi I'm Chris Morales, I am a certified Specialist in Criminal Law. I've been handling criminal cases for over 20 years.

There are three basic laws that are the bedrock of our criminal justice system and I want to go over those three laws with you right now.

#1: The presumption of innocence. Anybody that has been charged with any criminal offense in the United States is presumed innocent until proven guilty. That means that they are presumed innocent from their arraignment all the way through their jury trial.
#2: The burden of proof. In every criminal case a defendant has no burden to prove that they are innocent. The burden of proof is all on the government. They have to come with evidence in testimony and attempt to prove the defendant guilty.
#3: Proof beyond the reasonable doubt the prosecution cannot prove their case and they cannot convince somebody their evidence is strong and substantial. If their evidence is weak and flimsy there will be no conviction and the defendant will be acquitted.

These are the three main that are the bedrock of our criminal justice system. If you would like to sit down and discuss these a little further with me. Please call my office and set up an appointment.
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DNA in Criminal Cases
DNA in Criminal Cases
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

Good Morning Everybody. Big part of my practice has to do with DNA in murder cases, rape cases any sort of violent crime there is usually DNA left by the suspect.That DNA ends up being analyzed by the crime lab and reanalyzed by defense criminalists.

DNA Profiling:
DNA analysis is a process by which characteristics of a suspect's genetic structure are identified, compared with samples taken from a crime scene, and if a match, subjected to statistical analysis to determine the frequency with which the characteristics occur in the general population.

What that means is that a piece of DNA that is found in a crime scene will be analyzed. It will be typed and then the authorities will look for a match.

So when a criminalist and scientist will look for. This is a double helix. This is sorta what DNA looks like. This is important because when a criminalist/scientist is looking for DNA they will go to ten different spots in the double helix and analyze the amount of DNA there. And that will give them the DNA of the suspect. Now the DNA is unique to every human being in the world. Everyone has there own DNA except there is one exception. What is that exception?
Identical Twins have the exact same DNA.

A criminal technician that comes to the crime scene what do they do.They look for objects that can, whether there is a likely hood of DNA so condoms, soda cans, cigarette butts, clothing, weapons, underwear, sheets, pillow cases, postage stamps, and hair. They will collect that evidence very carefully with gloves to not infect it and ruin anything package it up and take it back to the crime lab.

What are they looking for in those objects. They are looking for blood, semen, skin, saliva, perspiration and hair. All of these, every cell in your body has DNA that you can look for except for red blood cells. Not blood but red blood cells do not have any DNA.

The criminalist will take the DNA back and type it and they will go to those ten spots on the double helix and they will measure the DNA there. Then they will attribute that measurement to a number. Now in every one of those ten spots there will be two pieces of DNA . Why is that?

From the mother and the father. All our DNA we get one contribution from the mother and one contribution from the father and it all comes together and that is the DNA.

So this is actual DNA type of a case I am handling actually right now. So you see each part of the double helix the criminalist has found and put a number here. 1416, 1418 and that is the amount of DNA found in that particular spot and the first one is for the father and second one is for the mother.

Now so the criminalist goes they collect DNA at the scene they type it. Now they have those numbers right here. Well so what? How do they find the actual suspect just with these numbers.

Well there are a couple ways. So possible they have a suspect in mind, possibly somebody saw somebody leave the scene of the crime with blood on their shirt and so they will have a suspect in mind. The detectives will get a search warrant for that suspects' body.The detective will go to that suspect and say we have a search warrant for your body to give us a saliva sample. They will type that saliva sample and see if there is a match.

There is a California database anyone who has convicted of a felony or any particular misdemeanor they have to give a DNA sample and the authorities can run that DNA that they got from the crime scene in that database and see if they have any matches there.

At the very end of the rode when we are in court the judge still has note that this DNA is actually reliable enough to put in front of a jury. So the criminalist needs to come up with an actual number.

The judge asks the criminalist what is the likely hood of a random person having this exact DNA that you found at the crime scene. And the criminalist will come up with a number. I seen numbers one in four trillion, so that means that number that they found is pretty solid. Sometimes its one in eight hundred that means that the typing of the crime scene is not so reliable and maybe that is not going to go in front of the jury.

So that's my presentation are there any questions.
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Christopher F. Morales reviews AVVO
Christopher F. Morales Reviews AVVO
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

Chris is an aggressive trial attorney who tries all types of cases including: DUI's, sexual assault, child molestation, three strikes cases, possession of drugs, assault, murder cases and all types of white collar crimes. He handles the toughest cases and has won the respect of judges and prosecutors alike for his tenacious and intelligent defense of his clients.
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San Francisco Criminal Defense Attorney, Chris Morales fights for you.
San Francisco Criminal Defense Attorney, Chris Morales fights for you.
Criminal Defense Attorney - Christopher Morales
Practice Area: The San Francisco Bay Area, California

Call us today for a free consultation (415) 552-1215 (Se Habla Español)

#defensacriminal #criminaldefense #SanFranciscoAttorney #OaklandAttorney #SanMateoAttorney #MarinAttorney #ContraCostaAttorney #AlamedaAttorney #RedwoodCityAttorney #SantaClaraAttorney #murdercases #drugcrimes #burglary #theft #battery #juveniledeliquencycrimes #threestrikescrimes #whitecollarcrime #cleaningupyourcriminalrecord #DUIAttorney

The Morales Advantage

When you hire the Morales Law Firm. You hire a law firm that has been practicing for almost 20 years handling the toughest cases in the Bay Area and winning some of the toughest cases in the Bay Area.

Morales Law Firm only handles criminal defense Federal or State.We don't do Immigration Law we don't do Personal Injury Law. This is all we do and we do it really really well.

This is the work that I love. This is what I am devoted to. I love going to trial, I love picking juries, I love arguing to juries about how my client is innocent and not guilty and how there is a really reasonable doubt as to his or her guilt. That's my life, that's what I enjoy, that's my passion.

Fighting is in My Blood

People ask me why I fight so hard for my clients and how can I continue do that year in and year out. The answer is fighting is in my blood. My dad was a top amateur-professional boxer in the 40s. I took up boxing as a young man. I ended up being a National Collegiate Boxing Champion in 1984. Northern California AAU Champ in 1985. I love boxing.

When you come to my office what you will see is an office filled with photos of world champion boxers and of other boxing memorabilia and that is because during the day I love to be surrounded by fighters.

Certified Criminal Law Specialist

When you hire the Morales Law Firm your advantage is that you are hiring an attorney that is certified specialist in criminal law by the state bar of California.

Contact us for a Free Consultation

If you would like a free consultation as to you pending criminal case. Please call me at (415) 552 - 1215 or contact me through this website.

The Morales Law Firm
Contact Us Today!
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Christopher F. Morales
Christopher F. Morales Criminal Defense Attorney at Morales Law Firm

Experience: 32 years
Website: Open
Location: USA
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Practice Areas

Criminal Law

Criminal Appeals, Drug Crimes, Expungement, Fraud, Gun Crimes, Internet Crimes, Sex Crimes, Theft, Violent Crimes


English: Spoken, Written
Spanish: Spoken, Written


Criminal Law in San Francisco

California State Bar

