Stephen Wu is a shareholder with Silicon Valley Law Group. He advises business clients on information governance matters, focusing on information security, privacy, mobile computing, ediscovery preparedness, records management, and computer-related investigations. He reviews and writes sophisticated information security policies for large enterprises, and assists in data security regulatory compliance, incident response, breach notifications, and establishing secure electronic commerce systems. He drafts privacy policies for clients, including ones for U.S. companies with European and Asian operations. He assists clients with European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance. Steve assists clients in managing enterprise mobile device programs, including writing bring your own device (BYOD) and teleworking policies.
In addition, Steve represents start up companies as outside general counsel, including providing assistance with business formation and deals in which he drafts and negotiates technology-related agreements, such as master service agreements, online application/XAAS/cloud agreements, terms of service, licenses, joint ventures, development agreements, and marketing agreements. His litigation practice focuses on trade secret misappropriation, computer fraud, and data theft. Also, his practice also includes copyright and trademark litigation, as well as general commercial litigation.
Finally, Steve advises clients compliance, liability, and information governance matters in cutting edge areas of technology such as robotics, autonomous driving and unmanned vehicle systems, unmanned aerial systems (drones), artificial intelligence, haptics, human-computer interfaces, Big Data, data property rights, Internet of Things, augmented and virtual reality, and 3D printing.