James T Dowling-Healey

James T Dowling-Healey

James T Dowling-Healey
Experience: 8 years
Experience 8y
Online & Web 3

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Attorney interested in business and international law ***"Answers on this website are for information purposes only and do not constitute legal advice, nor do they form an attorney-client relationship***. ***

Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice


Since 2015


2012 - 2015

University of Maine School of Law

J.D. (2015) | Law

Outside of the core and recommended law school classes I sought out those that dealt with business law, real estate and land use law, international law, and trusts and estates law, as well as those that focused on policy issues of particular interest to me like terrorism and national defense, economic development, and human rights. I spent a semester studying at the National University of Ireland, Galway. One of my papers was submitted for consideration for a national legal writing award.

2008 - 2012

Bates College

B.A. (2012) | Politics

My chosen coursework emphasized American government and international conflict. I studied abroad in Saudi Arabia.


54 Westwood Road West Hartford CT 06117 Telephone: (860) 233-0094 Ext. 2330094
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James T Dowling-Healey
James T Dowling-Healey

Experience: 8 years
Website: Open
Location: USA
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English: Spoken, Written

