George B. Jones

George B. Jones

George B. Jones
Experience: 38 years
Alabama, Colorado, Florida and Iowa
Free consultation have
Experience 38y
Online & Web 8

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I represent clients in all injury cases, including automobile accidents, truck collisions, motorcycle accidents, industrial accidents, worker's compensation, construction accidents, and wrongful death. Call me today about your car wreck or other injury case. I will get you the money you deserve.

My experience spans over 30 years working hard for my clients in 4 states. I also spent ten years teaching college criminal law courses at Graceland University in southern Iowa, and training lawyers and judges in criminal trial techniques throughout Latin America.

My criminal law practice includes representation of clients on all felony and misdemeanor charges in state court, including: drug crimes, sexual assault and rape, drunk driving (OWI), child abuse, murder, forgery, identity theft, fraud, theft, burglary, assault, robbery, arson, and all types of traffic offenses. I have extensive immigration experience that equips me to defend immigrants aggressively, seeking solutions that protect their immigration rights.

I also have an active family law practice and represent clients in divorce, custody, adoption, paternity and support cases. I also work with clients on trust and estate planning matters.

Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice


Alabama State Bar Association


Colorado Supreme Court


The Florida Bar


Supreme Court of Iowa
Since 2001



University of Denver

M.A. | International Studies

Honors: GPA 3.75


University of Denver


Honors: GPA 84.6, top 17 percent Achieved honors distinction in research and writing


Graceland College

B.S. (1981)

Honors: Magna Cum Laude


The Law Office of George B. Jones, PLLC 117 S Linden Lamoni IA 50140 Telephone: (641) 784-6970
500 Mulberry Street Des Moines IA 50309 Telephone: (641) 784-6970
417 South Clinton Street Iowa City IA 52240 Telephone: (641) 784-6970
101 West 4th Street Ottumwa IA 52501 Telephone: (641) 784-6970
1315 South B Avenue Nevada IA 50201 Telephone: (641) 784-6970
620 Douglas Street Sioux City IA 51101 Telephone: (641) 784-6970
227 South 6th Street Council Bluffs IA 51502 Telephone: (641) 784-6970
51 Third Avenue Bridge Cedar Rapids IA 52401 Telephone: (641) 784-6970
400 West 4th Street Davenport IA 52801
720 Central Avenue Dubuque IA 52001 Telephone: (641) 784-6970
316 E. 5th Avenue Waterloo IA 50703 Telephone: (641) 784-6970