Aaron Hamrock

Aaron Hamrock

Aaron Hamrock
Experience: 30 years
Criminal Law, Domestic Violence, DUI & DWI and 2 others
Iowa and 8th Circuit
Experience 30y
Online & Web 5

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Aaron Hamrock is a founder and partner at McCarthy & Hamrock, P.C., which is dedicated to giving clients in the West Des Moines area the highest quality of criminal defense. With nearly 15 years of experience, Aaron has defended hundreds of clients facing charges including DUI, federal offenses, drug charges, and violent crimes. He believes in giving each client personal attention and respect, and keeping communication open. Aaron pursued a legal career with this goal in mind.

His studies began at Central College, where he graduated before earning in Juris Doctor at Drake University. In 1995 he became licensed to practice in Iowa, and has since expanded his abilities and is licensed to appear before the U.S. District Court for both the Northern and Southern Districts of Iowa, as well as the Iowa Supreme Court, the U.S. Court of Appeals and the Eighth Circuit Court.

Memberships in organizations such as the Litigation Section of the American Bar Association, the Iowa Tiral Lawyer's Association, NORML, and the National Association of Criminal defense lawyers help Aaron keep up-to-date on current legal issues and allow him to continually increase his knowledge.

Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice


Since 1994

8th Circuit


West Des Moines Criminal Defense Lawyer 1200 Valley W Dr #400 West Des Moines IA 50266 Telephone: (515) 279-9700
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Aaron Hamrock
Aaron Hamrock

Experience: 30 years
Website: Open
Location: USA
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Practice Areas

Criminal Law

Criminal Appeals, Drug Crimes, Expungement, Fraud, Gun Crimes, Internet Crimes, Sex Crimes, Theft, Violent Crimes

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Criminal Defense, Domestic Violence Restraining Orders

Cannabis & Marijuana Law

Marijuana Business Formation, Medical Marijuana

