U of Iowa College of Law 1978 with Honors Admitted to practice Iowa, the US District Courts in Iowa and the Central District of Illinois, the US Courts of Appeals for the Seventh and Eighth Circuits and the Supreme Court of the United States. Member Iowa State Bar Assoc., The Iowa Assoc. for Justice and the National Assoc. of Criminal Defense Attorneys.
Since 1979
1971 - 1979
J.D. (1978) | B.G.S. 1976, J.D., 1978
Honors: J.D. with Honors
Criminal Appeals, Drug Crimes, Expungement, Fraud, Gun Crimes, Internet Crimes, Sex Crimes, Theft, Violent Crimes
Civil Appeals, Federal Appeals
Animal & Dog Bites, Brain Injury, Car Accidents, Construction Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Premises Liability, Truck Accidents, Wrongful Death
Drugs & Medical Devices, Motor Vehicle Defects, Toxic Torts