Craig E. Cole

Craig E. Cole

Craig E. Cole
Private Practice
Experience: 37 years
Divorce, DUI & DWI, Family Law and 3 others
Kansas and 10th Circuit
Free consultation have
Experience 37y
Online & Web 1

Biography Submit listing

In the last 30 years the main areas of Law I practice are Personal Injury, Domestic Law (Divorce and Custody issues) and Criminal Law with significant Court Room Experience in all the above areas with over 20 Jury Trials in 5 different Counties covering the Eastern portion of the State of Kansas.

Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice


Since 1986

10th Circuit

Since 1986

Professional Experience

1993 - Current

Private Practice


1988 - 1993

Anderson County Kansas Attorney

County Attorney

1980 - 1984

Attorney General State of Kansas

Law Clerk


1980 - 1984

Washburn University School of Law

J.D. | Law

1976 - 1980

Kansas State University

B.S. | Business Administration

Activities: Senior Class Vice-President, Student Senator


114 E 5th Ave P.O. Box 371 Garnett KS 66032-371 Telephone: (785) 448-3515 Fax: (785) 448-2666
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Craig E. Cole
Craig E. Cole Private Practice

Experience: 37 years
Website: Open
Location: USA
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Practice Areas


Collaborative Law, Contested Divorce, Military Divorce, Property Division, Same Sex Divorce, Spousal Support & Alimony, Uncontested Divorce

Family Law

Adoption, Child Custody, Child Support, Father's Rights, Guardianship & Conservatorship, Paternity, Prenups & Marital Agreements, Restraining Orders, Same Sex Family Law

Insurance Claims

Bad Faith Insurance, Business Insurance, Disability Insurance, Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Motor Vehicle Insurance, Property Insurance

Medical Malpractice

Birth Injury, Medical Misdiagnosis, Pharmacy Errors, Surgical Errors

Criminal Law

Criminal Appeals, Drug Crimes, Expungement, Fraud, Gun Crimes, Internet Crimes, Sex Crimes, Theft, Violent Crimes


