Gordon Gates Esq

Gordon Gates Esq

Gordon Gates Esq
Social Security Disability Lawyer
Experience: 33 years
Experience 33y
Online & Web 4

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I am a Social Security disability lawyer. I represent clients with Social Security disability and SSI claims in Maine and New Hampshire.

I help clients with:

*Social Security disability benefits
*SSI benefits
*Initial Claims

My practice concentrates on Social Security disability and SSI claims at all administrative levels. I have conducted hundreds of Social Security disability hearings, and I am familiar with the administrative law judges who decide the claims in Maine and New Hampshire.

Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice


Since 1991


1985 - 1988

Tulane University School of Law

J.D (1988)

Honors: Order of the Coif


Social Security lawyer 110 Main Street Suite 1300-G Saco ME 04072 Telephone: (207) 284-9999
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Gordon Gates Esq
Gordon Gates Esq Social Security Disability Lawyer

Experience: 33 years
Website: Open
Location: USA
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