Attorney Aderonke Lipede is a skilled trial lawyer committed to social justice who specializes in Criminal Defense, Juvenile Delinquency, Youthful Offender matters, and civil rights/anti-discrimination matters in Quincy, Boston, Roxbury, Dorchester, Hyde Park, Lynn, Brockton, Somerville, Medford, and Chelsea. Attorney Lipede, a former real estate broker, also specializes in real estate transactions and landlord/tenant disputes. Call if you need an affordable, knowledgeable, and committed trial lawyer on your side to protect your civil rights or your property.
Attorney Lipede is also the founder and Executive Director of Sanctuary For Justice, Inc. a faith-based civil rights organization.
Sanctuary For Justice, Inc.
Law Office of Aderonke Lipede
B.A. | History and Government
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Discrimination, Employment, Fair Housing, Police Misconduct, Privacy Law
Criminal Appeals, Drug Crimes, Expungement, Fraud, Gun Crimes, Internet Crimes, Sex Crimes, Theft, Violent Crimes
Employee Benefits, Employment Contracts, Employment Discrimination, ERISA, Overtime & Unpaid Wages, Sexual Harassment, Whistleblower, Wrongful Termination
Evictions, Housing Discrimination, Landlord Rights, Rent Control, Tenants' Rights
Commercial Real Estate, Condominiums, Easements, Eminent Domain, Homeowners Association, Land Use & Zoning, Mortgages, Neighbor Disputes, Residential Real Estate, Water Law