Shawn Danette Glaza

Shawn Danette Glaza

Shawn Danette Glaza
Glaza Law, PLC
Experience: 11 years
Michigan and United States District Court - Eastern District of Michigan
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I earned my undergrad degree from Oakland University where I majored in Communication and minored in Studio Art, and my law degree came from Western Michigan Thomas M. Cooley Law School . I started working at a criminal defense firm in 2009 and worked on every sort of criminal case you could imagine, but my favorite has always been driver’s license restoration. I realized early on that having or not having a driver’s license affects so many people—not just the driver. Children need their parents to drive them to school, activities, and doctor appointments. In fact, in my experience, parents often double as taxicab drivers for their children! Employers expect their employees to arrive to work on time each and every day, and significant others need help with grocery shopping and other basic day-to-day things that often require driving. Without a license, not only does the driver suffer, but so does everyone involved in their life.

Because of this, I made it my goal very early on in my career as an attorney to understand the license restoration process forward, backward and sideways. Nothing gets past my desk without first going through a fine-toothed comb to make sure every single ‘i’ is dotted and ‘t’ is crossed. There is no better feeling than calling a client and letting them know that their driver’s license appeal has been granted. Putting that driver’s license back in their hand has a profound effect on the entire world around them and that is truly rewarding!

There are many crimes that carry a license suspension or revocation and I've made it my specialty to know what they are, and how to prevent it.

I will forever be an Attorney and Counselor who absolutely promises to do the best for you.

Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice


Since 2013

United States District Court - Eastern District of Michigan

Since 2013

Professional Experience

2015 - Current

Glaza Law, PLC

Managing Partner

2016 - 2019

Scott Grabel and Associates

Of-Counsel Attorney

2013 - 2015

Law Office of Barton Morris

Associate Attorney

2009 - 2013

Law Office of Barton Morris

Law Clerk


2009 - 2012

Western Michigan University Cooley Law School

J.D. (2012)

1991 - 1996

Oakland University

B.A. (1996) | Communication


Glaza Law, PLC 920 Hoffman Ave Royal Oak MI 48067 Toll-Free: (248) 955-3803 Cell: (917) 515-6919 Fax: (248) 206-5923
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Shawn Danette Glaza
Shawn Danette Glaza Glaza Law, PLC

Experience: 11 years
Website: Open
Location: USA
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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)/International Association of Chiefs of Police Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Practitioner Course


