Howard Roitman

Howard Roitman

Howard Roitman
Las Vegas Lawyer Howard Roitman
Experience: 39 years
Animal & Dog Law, Stockbroker & Investment Fraud, Estate Planning and 3 others
California, District of Columbia, Nevada and 2 others
Accredited Estate Planner (AEP), The Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section Certificate of Achievement and 7 others
Free consultation have
Awards 9
Experience 39y
Online & Web 9

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Howard R. Roitman, Esq. has been practicing law for 22 years. Howard Roitman is one of the first attorneys to be recognized by the State Bar of Nevada as a Certified Specialist in Estate Planning. He is a member of the Bar in Nevada, California, New York, and the District of Columbia. He is a graduate of Georgetown University Law Center (JD in 1984 and LL.M in taxation in 1985), and the Harvard University Mediation Program (2004). He is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®), Charted Life Underwriter (CLU), and a Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC).

People in car accidents are often told to get legal help to make sure their rights are enforced. A study confirms two other key reasons for getting legal help if you are in an auto accident — you will likely receive more money, and you have a better chance of recovering money.

The study was conducted by the respected Rand Institute. It found that auto accident victims who hire attorneys receive about 25% more money than auto accident victims who do not hire attorneys — even after deducting all costs.

The study also found that using a lawyer increases an auto accident victim’s chances of recovering money to almost 95%.

Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice


Since 1985

District of Columbia

Since 1986


Since 1992

New York

Since 1990

D.C. Circuit

Since 1986

Professional Experience


Howard Roitman & Associates

2001 - Current

Settment Judge

Settlement Program Overview The Supreme Court’s Settlement Program is an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) program that was started in 1997. Since its inception, 53% of the cases assigned to the program have settled. The program is administered under the provisions of Nevada Rule of Appellate Procedure 16 ( NRAP 16 ). Mediation The ADR method of the program is MEDIATION. Mediation is a process in which an impartial third party, a Settlement Judge, assists the parties in reaching a mutually acceptable solution to their dispute. The settlement judge doesn’t decide the outcome of the case, but rather assists the parties in communicating their positions and interests in order to promote understanding, reconciliation, and a mutually acceptable solution to the dispute. In doing so, the settlement judge may ask questions, help define issues, and assist in the generation and evaluation of settlement proposals. Mediation provides the parties with an opportunity to resolve their case themselves. Settlement Judges Settlement Judges (biographies) are appointed by the Supreme Court based on an evaluation of the applicant’s education, training and experience. Settlement judges are required to have a high degree of training and experience in mediation skills. Most settlement judges also have significant legal experience as practicing attorneys, including specialized experience in the unique issues that arise in appellate work. All settlement judges’ professional biographies are available on this web site.

1994 - Current

Las Vegas Lawyer Howard Roitman

Las Vegas Lawyer

Las Vegas Lawyer Howard Roitman, Helps People injured in, Wrecks, Crashes, Falls, Animal Attacks, Roll Overs, Fires, Aircraft Crashes.


2001 - present

American College

other | Finance, Insurance

Honors: CFP

1985 - 1986

Georgetown University Law Center

LL.M. (1986) | Tax

Explores the basic principles governing private lawsuits for damages for wrongs that are noncontractual, including consideration of the concepts of strict liability, liability based on fault, intentional and negligent interference with personal and property interests and defenses thereto, recoverable damages, and related problems.

1981 - 1985

Georgetown University Law Center

J.D. (1985) | Law

Master of Laws (LL.M.) Annually ranked among the preeminent programs of its kind, the Master of Laws in Taxation program has the highest enrollment (more than 200 students) among the graduate programs at the Law Center. Georgetown 's Tax LL.M. program offers a unique combination of expert adjunct faculty and full-time tax faculty, one of the most extensive tax curricula taught anywhere, and the opportunity to experience Washington, DC, the nation's center of tax policymaking, rulemaking, and publishing. Adjunct faculty drawn from the staffs of Congressional tax-writing committees, the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the IRS, the United States Tax Court, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, as well as leading law and accounting firms, teach most of the graduate level courses. Full-time tax faculty oversee the curriculum and teach basic courses in the program, as well as advanced seminars, primarily in the J.D. Division.

1980 - 1981

State University of New York - Stony Brook

M.A. (1982) | Public Policy Program

The M.A. in Public Policy Program continued its expansion in 2005 and 2006. Last June, thirty students received their Masters degrees, making the 2005 class the largest in the programâs six-year history. This June thirty-three students received their Masterâs degrees, and we expect at least forty students to be enrolled in full-time study in September. The graduating students are utilizing their degrees to pursue diverse objectives. One former student is Empire Zone Coordinator for the Town of Brookhaven; in that position he is responsible for attracting business to the Townâs 1280 acres of zoned land and for administering a Workforce Development Program for economically depressed areas. Another former student performed an internship in the office of a state legislator, and then was hired to work in that office full-time. Among the current students, one works full-time as a Public Affairs Representative in the Media & Communications Office of Brookhaven National Laboratory, while another is Director of the Nassau County Office of Emergency Management & Homeland Security. Masterâs students are required to contribute to the community in the form of 200-hour internships, typically in government offices and non-profit organizations. Some examples of internships students performed this year are: Public Policy Program Highlights Stony Brook University Dr. Scott Basinger, M.A. Program Director United States Congress New York State Assembly and New York State Senate Central Pine Barrens Joint Planning and Policy Commission Peconic Estuary Program (in Suffolk County Department of Health Services â Office of Ecology) Long Island Regional Planning Board New York City Housing Authority New York City Public Advocate Office These internships provide students a valuable opportunity to put classroom lessons to work, and create momentum in their pursuit of civic service.

1976 - 1981

State University of New York - Stony Brook

B.A. (1981) | Ploi. Sci.

Political Science is the study of how societies make collective decisions through politics and government. It is subdivided into the following areas: * American politics (study of American institutions and practices); * comparative politics (study of foreign governments); * international relations (study of war, international organization and foreign policies); * political theory (study of the bases of legitimate political authority); * political behavior (study of why people vote and act as they do in political matters); and * public policy (study of organizational decision making and the consequences of government action).


year - Howard Roitman
Accredited Estate Planner (AEP)

National Association of Estate Planers & Councils

The Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section Certificate of Achievement

The Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section

year - Howard Roitman
CIA Arbitrator

Charted Institute of Arbitrators

year - Howard Roitman
Deans List

Gerogetown University Law Center

Am Jur. Prize Consitiutional Law

Am. Jur., West, Prize Constitutional Law

year - Howard Roitman
Phi Sigma Alpha Honnor

Phi Sigma Alpha Honnor society

year - Howard Roitman
Scholarship for Academic Excellence

State of New York

Howard Roitman
Certified Financial Planner Certificant

Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards

Chartered Financial Consultant

Financial Planning Association


8921 W Sahara Ave Suite B Las Vegas NV 89117 Telephone: (702) 631-5650 Fax: (702) 631-5603
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Howard Roitman
Howard Roitman Las Vegas Lawyer Howard Roitman

Experience: 39 years
Location: USA
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Practice Areas

Estate Planning

Guardianship & Conservatorship Estate Administration, Health Care Directives, Trusts, Wills

Personal Injury

Animal & Dog Bites, Brain Injury, Car Accidents, Construction Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Premises Liability, Truck Accidents, Wrongful Death


Probate Administration, Probate Litigation, Will Contests

Products Liability

Drugs & Medical Devices, Motor Vehicle Defects, Toxic Torts


English: Spoken, Written


Estate Planning Certification

Nevada Bar
