David Gelman

David Gelman

David Gelman
Criminal Defense Attorney | Cherry Hill, NJ
Criminal Law, DUI & DWI and Domestic Violence
Awards 1
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Recognized as of 2018's top attorneys by SJ Magazine, Attorney David Gelman, Esq. aggressively advocates for his clients and fights for them to receive the most favorable results possible.

Born and raised in South Jersey, Mr. Gelman represents individuals who have been charged with:

- Drug charges
- Weapons charges
- Theft
- Sex crimes
- Domestic violence
- Assault
- and more

Gelman Law is conveniently located in Cherry Hill, NJ.


University of Arkansas


year - David Gelman
Top Attorneys 2018

SJ Magazine


Gelman Law, LLC 1940 Rt 70 East Suite 4 Cherry Hill NJ 08003 Telephone: (856) 433-1818


Should I take a breathalyzer test if pulled over? | Gelman Law | Cherry Hill Attorneys
New Jersey Defense Lawyer Advocates Vigorously for Clients Charged with Breath Test Refusal in Burlington County and Throughout the State
Many drivers mistakenly believe that they can avoid charges for driving while intoxicated simply by refusing to take the breathalyzer test presented by law enforcement officials which, in New Jersey, is known as the Alcotest machine. This belief is a myth—under New Jersey’s implied consent rule, every driver is deemed to consent to the breath test simply by getting behind the wheel on the New Jersey roadways. Breath test refusal is, in and of itself, a serious offense in the state and must be treated as such. In fact, the consequences for breath test refusal can be equally serious to those you would face if convicted of the underlying DWI/DUI charge in the first place.

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Marijuana Laws in New Jersey | Gelman Law | Cherry Hill Criminal Defense Attorneys
Aggressive Criminal Defense Lawyer Fights to Protect Clients Arrested on Marijuana Possession and Distribution Charges in Camden County, NJ
Although the laws surrounding marijuana use and possession are changing in New Jersey and throughout the country, under current law marijuana possession and distribution remains a criminal offense in the state. The possible penalties for marijuana possession or distribution remain serious and always carry the possibility that you will spend time in jail, even if you are a first-time offender. Because of this, if you are facing charges of marijuana possession or distribution in Cherry Hill or elsewhere in New Jersey, it is critical that you contact a skilled criminal defense lawyer to help you successfully navigate the legal system and build a strong defense in your case.

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Drug Charges in New Jersey | Gelman Law | Criminal Defense Lawyer in Cherry Hill
Veteran Criminal Defense Attorney Fights to Protect Clients’ Rights in Cases Involving Drug Charges in Camden County, Burlington County and Throughout New Jersey
A conviction for any drug charge has the potential to ruin your life. Additionally, building a strong and effective defense against drug charges is more difficult than most people think. As soon as you are arrested, police may begin to pressure you into making a statement that may be against your best interests. Unknowingly, when you make statements to law enforcement or the prosecution without the advice of legal counsel, you may begin to build a case against yourself and increase the risk that more serious penalties will apply, including the loss of state and federal benefits. Financial aid, food assistance programs, renter’s assistance and other programs can become unavailable if you are convicted of certain drug charges. Because of these significant risks, it is important that you contact a qualified Cherry Hill drug crimes defense lawyer as soon as possible after an arrest.

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Assault Charges in New Jersey | Gelman Law | Criminal Defense Lawyer in Cherry Hill
Aggressive Criminal Defense Lawyer Goes to Battle for Clients Accused of Assault in Camden County, Burlington County, and Throughout NJ
The reasons why you may be facing assault charges in Cherry Hill are varied—you might have been at the wrong place at the wrong time. You might have made a mistake or were simply trying to defend yourself or someone else in the moment. You may even have been wrongfully accused. Regardless of how it happened, if you now find yourself charged with assault in New Jersey you need a skilled assault charges defense lawyer in your corner to help minimize any negative consequences of the charge.

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DUI/DWI in New Jersey | Gelman Law | Criminal Defense Lawyer in Cherry Hill
Driving while intoxicated (DWI) or driving under the influence (DUI) are relentlessly prosecuted criminal offenses in Cherry Hill and elsewhere in New Jersey. A conviction can limit your freedom by preventing you from getting work or finding housing in the future—more serious DWI/DUI charges can even result in jail time and substantial monetary penalties. If you or a loved one are facing DWI/DUI charges, it is critical that you speak with an experienced criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible following your arrest. Our experienced and reliable Cherry Hill DWI/DUI lawyer will leave no stone unturned in analyzing every available piece of evidence in your case to formulate the most compelling possible defense strategy on your behalf.

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Criminal Defense Lawyer in Cherry Hill, New Jersey | Gelman Law
Skilled Criminal Defense Lawyer Represents Clients Accused of Crimes in Camden County, Burlington County and Throughout New Jersey
Unfortunately, being arrested for a crime overshadows everything else in your life. Suddenly, the whole world comes to a stop as you contemplate a future. If convicted, you will face significant limitations to your freedom and your future opportunities. Fines, probation or even a lengthy prison term are all possibilities. While it may be common to feel that your situation is hopeless, you shouldn’t make the mistake of waiting to see how your situation unfolds. Our skilled criminal defense lawyer has both the knowledge and resources necessary to take effective steps to have the allegations against you reduced or even dismissed if possible in your case.

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David Gelman
David Gelman Criminal Defense Attorney | Cherry Hill, NJ

Website: Open
Location: USA
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Practice Areas

Criminal Law

Criminal Appeals, Drug Crimes, Expungement, Fraud, Gun Crimes, Internet Crimes, Sex Crimes, Theft, Violent Crimes

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Criminal Defense, Domestic Violence Restraining Orders


English: Spoken, Written

