Since 2002
Since 1992
Since 2011
Since 2011
Since 2011
Since 2011
Since 1993
2012 - Current
Jaffe Glenn Law Group, P.A.
2004 - 2012
Card & Glenn, P.A.
2002 - 2004
The Law Office of Drew Clayton, P.A.
1992 - 2000
Attorney General's Office NJ
1991 - 1992
U.S.D.C, S.D. Florida
Employee Benefits, Employment Contracts, Employment Discrimination, ERISA, Overtime & Unpaid Wages, Sexual Harassment, Whistleblower, Wrongful Termination
Criminal Appeals, Drug Crimes, Expungement, Fraud, Gun Crimes, Internet Crimes, Sex Crimes, Theft, Violent Crimes