Daniel H. Erskine

Daniel H. Erskine

Daniel H. Erskine
Daniel H. Erskine, Attorney & Solicitor
Experience: 21 years
Business Law, Communications & Internet Law, Intellectual Property and 4 others
Connecticut, England and Wales, New York and U.S. Supreme Court
Awards 1
Experience 21y
Videos 3
Online & Web 5

Biography Submit listing

Daniel H. Erskine, a New York and Connecticut admitted attorney and solicitor of England and Wales, represents U.S. individuals, companies, joint ventures, foreign businesses, and foreign nationals on complex legal matters under U.S. and U.K. law. Prior to entering private practice, Mr. Erskine served as a shareholder and counsel to a business involved in relocating large scale production facilities from either US or foreign locations. Mr. Erskine also completed a judicial clerkship at the Superior Court of the District of Columbia in Washington, DC. He now operates a solo practice focused on international business transactions, advising on US and English law, representing foreign and domestic small and medium sized companies (SME), specialty subcontractors, high technology enterprises, and senior executives. The transactional side of Mr. Erskine’s practice involves composing bespoke cloud (SaaS, IaaS, PaaS, DaaS, DPaaS, BaaS, EULA, ASP, maintenance, support, reseller, distribution), traditional software licenses, storage, services, data protection/security, hosting, consulting, back-up/recovery, and marketing agreements under English and US law for foreign and domestic SMEs manufacturing bespoke software. On the advocacy side of his practice, he represents foreign and domestic parties in defense and prosecution of their civil claims in New York and Connecticut state courts as well as in appeals at the state level. Mr. Erskine previously served as an appointed appellate advocate in Connecticut to prosecute appeals about abused and neglected children. Additionally, Mr. Erskine is the author of seven published law review articles (three as the lead article) on diverse areas relating to international legal topics, including WTO issues related to the European Community Customs Code, foreign legal procedural devices, and comparative constitutional analysis of fundamental rights.

Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice

England and Wales
New York
U.S. Supreme Court

Professional Experience


Daniel H. Erskine, Attorney & Solicitor


Individuals and companies require advice and representation in a variety of situations. From employment issues to resolving tort claims, a lawyer and solicitor assists clients in effectively resolving disputes. Whether requiring a zealous advocate in the courtroom or seeking to memorialize important points of agreement, Attorney Erskine engages in the practice of both representative and transactional law. Admitted to the practice of law in New York & Connecticut as an attorney as well as England and Wales as a solicitor, Attorney Erskine represents clients in New York, Connecticut, & in various foreign countries. ATTORNEY ADVERTISING; ADVERTISING MATERIAL


Commercial Plant Relocators, Inc.

Outside Counsel, Shareholder

Immediately upon graduation from law school, Attorney Erskine served as the Compliance Manager for a small business involved in the domestic and international relocation of industrial facilities. After Attorney Erskine was admitted to the bar, he assumed the role of outside counsel for the company.


Superior Court of the District of Columbia

Judicial Clerkship

While completing his graduate legal education in Washington, D.C., Attorney Erskine was selected for a judicial clerkship at the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.


Honors: Attorney Erskine's thesis entitled, Reforming Federal Personal Injury Litigation by Incorporation of the Procedural Innovations of Scotland and Ireland: An Analysis and Proposal, presented a new method for litigating personal injury cases in United States federal courts. The Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law published Attorney Erskine's thesis as the Lead Article in the Winter 2007 edition of the Journal. Reforming Federal Personal Injury Litigation by Incorporation of the Procedural Innovations of Scotland and Ireland: An Analysis and Proposal, 15 CARDOZO J. INT'L & COMP. L. 1 (2007) (Lead Article) (LL.M. Thesis).

The George Washington University Law School

LL.M. (2006) | International and Comparative Law

Honors: Content Editor, Journal of High Technology Law Harold B. Goodwin, Jr. Legal Advocacy Scholarship and Best Trial Advocate Award

Suffolk University Law School

J.D. (2003) | Law

Activities: Attorney Erskine's student note entitled Satellite Digital Audio Radio Searching for Novel Theories of Action, 1 J. HIGH TECH. L. 135 (2002), and his book review entitled, A Review of Raymond R. Coletta's Biotechnology and the Creation of Ethics, 1 J. HIGH TECH. L. 1 (2002).

Honors: Granted Advanced Standing and Advanced Placement, Golden Key National Honor Society, PHI SIGMA TAU (philosophy honor society), Athletic Director's Awards for Academic Achievement as a Varsity Athlete (Men's Foil Squad, Division 1 Fencing)

Boston College

B.A. (2000) | Politicial Science & Philosophy


year - Daniel H. Erskine
Harold Goodwin, Jr. Legal Advocacy Scholarship and Best Advocate Award

Suffolk University Law School


New York Office 11 West Prospect Avenue Mount Vernon NY 10550 Telephone: (866) 951-4443
Connecticut Office 157 Church Street, 19th floor New Haven CT 06510 Toll-Free: (866) 951-4443


Daniel H Erskine Lawyer Impeachment
Slides from a presentation from lawyer Daniel H Erskine at an academic conference in Washington, DC about the trial of the English Queen Caroline and the impeachment of American President Bill Clinton. ATTORNEY ADVERTISING; ADVERTISING MATERIAL Daniel Erskine, a lawyer, wrote a law review article describing these two events about then applicable law on this subject available at https://bit.ly/2IGZqTQ.
The video is not intended to be a source of advertising, solicitation, or legal advice. The information contained in this video is only provided for general informational purposes. The video is not intended as, and should not be construed as, legal advice on any subject matter. You should not rely on the video and articles provided on this Site as legal advice on any subject matter for any purpose. Although this video may provide information concerning legal issues, such information is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for legal advice from qualified counsel; the information contained in the video may be out of date. You should always seek the legal advice of competent counsel in your jurisdiction. You agree that Daniel H. Erskine is not engaged in rendering legal services or advice by providing the information and materials on this video, and that your use of the video does not create any attorney-client relationship between Daniel H. Erskine and you.

Abstract of law review:
This article explores the calculated use of legal mechanisms to impact national politics and the effect such utilization had on accomplishing deliberate political reform. In answering why political actors use legal procedures as political weapons and whether such use is effective, this paper analyzes two historical examples to illustrate that law as political weapon is extremely successful in accomplishing political change. In the early 1800’s, England’s King sought to defrock his politically radical heroine Queen Caroline through the parliamentary mechanism of a Bill of Pains and Penalties, which caused a flourish of public criticism and call for political revolution. Public reaction to the legal mechanisms utilized by King resulted in accomplishing the King’s goal of quelling revolutionary zeal as well as subsequently radically reforming English parliamentary politics. In a similar vein, the U.S. Congress in 1998 utilized the legal mechanisms of impeachment to unseat President William Jefferson Clinton. Impeachment of President Clinton served the Republican Congress’ political interests and resulted in the Republicans obtaining great electoral success. Ultimately, discussion of these two historical epochs advocates future use of legal procedures as political weapons in only certain limited circumstances.
Author Daniel H Erskine lawyer, attorney, and solicitor.

Daniel H Erskine
Office Locations

173 Huguenot Street, Suite 200, New Rochelle, NY 10801

157 Church Street, 19th floor, New Haven, CT 06510
Telephone 866-951-4443
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Daniel H Erskine Lawyer At-Will Doctrine
Slides from a presentation from Daniel H Erskine, lawyer, at an academic conference in Las Vegas Nevada about comparative employment doctrines focused on the American at-will, UK notice, and Irish employment schemes. ATTORNEY ADVERTISING; ADVERTISING MATERIAL
The video is not intended to be a source of advertising, solicitation, or legal advice. The information contained in this video is only provided for general informational purposes. The video is not intended as, and should not be construed as, legal advice on any subject matter. You should not rely on the video and articles provided on this Site as legal advice on any subject matter for any purpose. Although this video may provide information concerning legal issues, such information is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for legal advice from qualified counsel; the information contained in the video may be out of date. You should always seek the legal advice of competent counsel in your jurisdiction. You agree that Daniel H Erskine is not engaged in rendering legal services or advice by providing the information and materials on this video, and that your use of the video does not create any attorney-client relationship between Daniel H. Erskine and you.

Title of Presentation:
Reexamining The At-Will Doctrine Of Employment Through Comparison With Statutory Protections Afforded To Employees In Ireland and England. Presenter Daniel H Erskine lawyer and solicitor

Daniel H Erskine
Office Locations

173 Huguenot Street, Suite 200, New Rochelle, NY 10801

157 Church Street, 19th floor, New Haven, CT 06510
Telephone 866-951-4443
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Daniel H Erskine Lawyer Conflicting Fundamental Rights
Slides from a presentation from lawyer Daniel H Erskine at an academic conference in Ghent, Belgium about Fundamental Rights. ATTORNEY ADVERTISING; ADVERTISING MATERIAL Daniel H Erskine, a lawyer, wrote a law review article on the subject available at https://bit.ly/2CqltOd.
The video is not intended to be a source of advertising, solicitation, or legal advice. The information contained in this video is only provided for general informational purposes. The video is not intended as, and should not be construed as, legal advice on any subject matter. You should not rely on the video and articles provided on this Site as legal advice on any subject matter for any purpose. Although this video may provide information concerning legal issues, such information is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for legal advice from qualified counsel; the information contained in the video may be out of date. You should always seek the legal advice of competent counsel in your jurisdiction. You agree that Daniel H Erskine is not engaged in rendering legal services or advice by providing the information and materials on this video, and that your use of the video does not create any attorney-client relationship between Daniel H. Erskine and you.

Abstract of law review article:
This article describes the methods utilized by the United States Supreme Court to resolve specific cases involving conflicts between federal constitutional rights, a federal constitutional right and a state constitutional or statutory right, and an international treaty right and a federal constitutional right. Consideration of particular decisions representative of the manner the Court resolves conflicts between rights in the three typologies described above, illustrates how the Court views such conflicts and the rationales employed to resolve apparent conflicting rights. The rationales used by the United States Supreme Court are compared to the South African Constitutional Court’s decisions in the Soobramoney, Grootboom, and South African Broadcasting Corp. Ltd. cases. By comparing the reasoning utilized by both courts, this article illustrates distinct judicial methods applied to rationally resolve conflicts between significant individual rights. The comparison serves to permit presentation of a universal method to resolve conflicting fundamental rights for judicial authorities to use across the broad array of legal situations in which conflicts between significant rights occurs. Author Daniel H Erskine lawyer and solicitor

Daniel H Erskine
Office Locations

173 Huguenot Street, Suite 200, New Rochelle, NY 10801

157 Church Street, 19th floor, New Haven, CT 06510
Telephone 866-951-4443
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Daniel H. Erskine
Daniel H. Erskine Daniel H. Erskine, Attorney & Solicitor

Experience: 21 years
Website: Open
Location: USA
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Practice Areas

Business Law

Business Contracts, Business Dissolution, Business Finance, Business Formation, Business Litigation, Franchising, Mergers & Acquisitions, Partnership & Shareholder Disputes

Communications & Internet Law

Internet Law, Media & Advertising, Telecommunications Law

International Law

Human Rights, Imports & Exports

Gov & Administrative Law

Administrative Law, Election Law, Government Contracts, Government Finance, Legislative & Government Affairs

Appeals & Appellate

Civil Appeals, Federal Appeals

Arbitration & Mediation

Business Arbitration, Consumer Arbitration, Family Arbitration


English: Spoken, Written

