I advocate for clients who want to take charge of their lives and resolve conflict using a common sense approach. During my more than 20 years of practice, I have handled hundreds of matrimonial and family law matters. While I have extensive litigation experience, I now focus my practice on mediation and collaborative law because most of my clients fell strongly that they want to stay out of court. I want to make a positive difference in the lives of clients going through stressful family transitions. I help mothers and fathers in developing parenting plans that are practical and that honor the importance of the role of both parents. I am experienced in all aspects of pre-marital and post-marital planning and divorce. I work with traditional and non-traditional familes. I also have extensive experience in real estate and trusts and estates.
Since 1992
Deborah Hope Wayne, P.C.
Honors: Cum Laude
Collaborative Law, Contested Divorce, Military Divorce, Property Division, Same Sex Divorce, Spousal Support & Alimony, Uncontested Divorce
Adoption, Child Custody, Child Support, Father's Rights, Guardianship & Conservatorship, Paternity, Prenups & Marital Agreements, Restraining Orders, Same Sex Family Law
Business Arbitration, Consumer Arbitration, Family Arbitration
The Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts
New York State Council on Divorce Mediation