Salvatore G. Gangemi

Salvatore G. Gangemi

Salvatore G. Gangemi
Murtha Cullina LLP Salvatore G. Gangemi
Experience: 30 years
New York, 2nd Circuit, 3rd Circuit and 3 others
The Best Lawyers in America - Employment Law (Individuals); Employment Law (Management); Litigation (Labor and Employment) and New York Super Lawyer
Awards 2
Experience 30y
Online & Web 6

Biography Submit listing

Biography is currently not available

Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice

New York

Since 1994

2nd Circuit

Since 2006

3rd Circuit

Since 1995

U.S. District Court, Eastern District of New York

Since 1994

U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York

Since 1994

U.S. Supreme Court

Since 1999

Professional Experience

2005 - Current

Murtha Cullina LLP Salvatore G. Gangemi




St. John's University School of Law

J.D. | Law

Honors: Member, St. John's Law Review Executive Articles Editor, American Bankruptcy Institute Law Review Honors: Dean's List


St. John's University School of Law


Honors: cum laude


year - Salvatore G. Gangemi
The Best Lawyers in America - Employment Law (Individuals); Employment Law (Management); Litigation (Labor and Employment)

Best Lawyers

year - Salvatore G. Gangemi
New York Super Lawyer

Super Lawyers


Murtha Cullina LLP Salvatore G. Gangemi 10 Bank St #650 White Plains NY 10606 Telephone: (212) 425-0630 Fax: (860) 240-5936
Murtha Cullina LLP Salvatore G. Gangemi 177 Broad St Stamford CT 06901 Telephone: (203) 653-5436
Submit listing
Salvatore G. Gangemi
Salvatore G. Gangemi Murtha Cullina LLP Salvatore G. Gangemi

Experience: 30 years
Website: Open
Location: USA
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English: Spoken, Written
Italian: Spoken, Written

