Angel Torres

Angel Torres

Angel Torres
Ohio State’s Student Housing Legal Clinic
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The road to receiving Social Security Disability and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits can be filled with complex and frustrating twists and turns – there has been a recent trend toward higher denial rates. Attorney Angel Torres takes pride in making his clients be as informed and at ease about the process as possible. He will listen compassionately to your individual needs and circumstances and you will not feel like just another number. These are critical elements to success with your case.

Angel received his undergraduate degree from The Pennsylvania State University and his law degree from The Ohio State University. He was born in Puerto Rico and has made Lancaster his home since the age of 8. Angel served in the United States Marine Corps Reserves, achieving the rank of corporal and an honorable discharge.

He has shown a passion for serving those in need. In law school, he worked for Ohio State’s Student Housing Legal Clinic, where he helped to provide free legal representation to students with housing issues. He has also served as Treasurer and Chair of the Spanish American Civics Association – a nonprofit organization providing a wide range of services to the community, including food, mental health services and vocational preparation. As an attorney, he has also volunteered at multiple community centers, providing free legal advice and has given free lectures and presentations to professionals, injured workers and the disabled regarding their legal rights in both English and Spanish.

Professionally, he has served on the Pennsylvania Bar Association House of Delegates and the Lancaster Bar Association Board of Directors. He is a member of the National Association for Disability Representatives (NADR) and the National Organization of Social Security Representatives (NOSSCR).

Angel is a native Spanish speaker.

Professional Experience


Ohio State’s Student Housing Legal Clinic

Provided free legal representation to students with housing issues


Treasurer and Chair of the Spanish American Civics Association


Pennsylvania Bar Association House of Delegates


Lancaster Bar Association Board of Directors


The Ohio State University Michael E. Moritz College of Law



Nikolaus & Hohenadel, LLP 212 N. Queen Street Lancaster PA 17603 Telephone: (717) 687-2364
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Angel Torres
Angel Torres Ohio State’s Student Housing Legal Clinic

Website: Open
Location: USA
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