Ms. Greene enjoys practicing in the area of personal injury law. She knows when someone has experienced a personal injury caused by the negligence of another, it can cause an individual to suffer not only physically, but emotionally and financially as well. This is when legal representation can be highly beneficial. Practicing law at NST allows Ms. Greene to provide assistance and comfort to her clients during a very difficult time. As a mother, nothing gives her more satisfaction than when she can take the burden of dealing with the legal issues off of the parents and let them concentrate on their child who has been injured. Practicing personal injury law allows her to impact individuals on a personal level.
Since 2011
Since 2003
Since 2006
Since 2003
Since 2003
Since 2003
2005 - Current
Nahon, Saharovich & Trotz Personal Injury Attorneys
J.D. (2003)
B.A. (2000) | Political Science
Honors: Magna Cum Laude
Law & Politics Magazine
Animal & Dog Bites, Brain Injury, Car Accidents, Construction Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Premises Liability, Truck Accidents, Wrongful Death
Drugs & Medical Devices, Motor Vehicle Defects, Toxic Torts