Joshua Dunyon

Joshua Dunyon

Joshua Dunyon
The Advocates
Experience: 11 years
Utah and Wyoming
Experience 11y
Online & Web 5

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As an attorney, Josh Dunyon is a member of the Utah, Wyoming and Idaho State Bar and has extensive experience representing injured clients. Josh takes pride in representing the one—the one who has suffered life altering injuries and the one who is now disadvantaged in a system built around big insurance companies.

While in law school, Josh worked as a judicial law clerk, competed on the Creighton Law School National Trial Team where his team won the Northwest Regional Championship and was named to the National Order of the Barristers. In his legal career, Josh has successfully tried numerous cases and has effectively briefed and argued multiple cases at the appellate court level.

Josh is a family man. He and his wife have three children. Some of Josh’s favorite pastimes include athletic events, snowmobiling, golfing and serving in his church. Josh is passionate about education and currently serves as a Member of the Board on the Davis County Education Foundation.

Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice


Utah State Bar
Since 2013


Wyoming State Bar
Since 2014

Professional Experience


The Advocates - Driggs, Bills & Day PC

Personal Injury Attorney


Creighton University School of Law

J.D. (2012)

Utah State University

B.A. (2009)

Snow College

A.A. (2007)


The Advocates 2351 Grant Ave Ogden UT 84401 Telephone: (801) 326-0809
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Joshua Dunyon
Joshua Dunyon The Advocates

Experience: 11 years
Website: Open
Location: USA
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English: Spoken, Written
Spanish: Spoken, Written

