Althea Lloyd

Althea Lloyd

Althea Lloyd
Experience: 44 years
Experience 44y

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I have been practicing law for 30 years with focus on family and divorce mediation. Assisting families to find peaceful resolution to separation, divorce and the many issues that come with these decisions is my goal. I can assist with completing the court required documents and agreements necessary to file for an uncontested divorce or parentage case, or modification of already existing orders, including child support, division of assets and debts, spousal support and a parenting plan.
I am a member of the Vermont Bar Association, the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC), and co-chair the Vermont Family Mediators (VFaM) organization.

Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice



Holton Hall 130 Austine Drive Suite 217 Brattleboro VT 05301 Telephone: (802) 257-8519
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Althea Lloyd
Althea Lloyd

Experience: 44 years
Location: USA
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