Daphne Moritz

Daphne Moritz

Daphne Moritz
Experience: 34 years
Elder Law and Estate Planning
New Hampshire and Vermont
Experience 34y
Online & Web 5

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I am an attorney with Law Offices of Mark E. Melendy, PLLC, with offices in Woodstock, Vermont, and Hanover, New Hampshire, practicing in the areas of estate planning, estate administration, asset protection planning, disability planning, founder of Planful Path™ Family Wealth Protection Programs and Inclusive Wealth Strategy™. I have developed a program called Ten Steps to Successful and Purposeful Legacy Planning. My mission is that anyone can attain an estate plan that is unique to their needs and which considers their financial wealth as well as their invaluable intangible wealth.

Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice

New Hampshire

Since 1991


Since 1990


1987 - 1990

Vermont Law School

J.D. | Law

1987 - 1990

Vermont Law School

M.S.E.L. | Environmental Law

Honors: Magna Cum Laude

1982 - 1986

Dickinson College

B.A. | History; Environmental Studies

Honors: Cum Laude


Law Offices of Mark E. Melendy, PLLC 18 Elm Street Woodstock VT 05091 Telephone: (802) 457-9492
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Daphne Moritz
Daphne Moritz

Experience: 34 years
Website: Open
Location: USA
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Practice Areas

Estate Planning

Guardianship & Conservatorship Estate Administration, Health Care Directives, Trusts, Wills


Hebrew: Spoken

