Matthew T Taylor Sr.

Matthew T Taylor Sr.

Matthew T Taylor Sr.
Taylor Law Assoc. P.C.
Experience: 24 years
1st Circuit, 2nd Circuit, 3rd Circuit and 3 others
Experience 24y

Biography Submit listing

Hello, to all of those in need of criminal defense. I've been around the block a time or two when it comes to a full life of experiences and three careers from which to draw informed decisions and direction for you in your time of need. I, myself, am a son, a father and grand father. I have been an independently thinking person since age 16 when I ran away from home to join a Catholic Missionary Order (1973-84) and travel the world. At one time I was proficient in Spanish, French, German and Italian and can revert back to their usage after about 3 days in the prospective country. Then, I had a philosophical change and came back to Virginia to complete college and a secular education. During the summer of 85' I was a college exchange student improving my Spanish in Chihuahua, Mexico. After graduation I became a police officer and detective on the Norfolk Police Department, 1988-98; After a traffic accident in January 1998 I ended up in a 6 week coma, lost my left leg below the knee and use of my right arm. I read law while on the Police Department and passed the Bar becoming an Attorney in February 1999. I have run two Corporate law firms and was a public defender in Chesapeake for nearly ten years. My job now is to help you find, not just the best solution to your criminal defense needs but solutions for life in general.

Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice

1st Circuit
2nd Circuit
3rd Circuit
4th Circuit
5th Circuit
6th Circuit

Professional Experience

2016 - Current

Taylor Law Assoc. P.C.


2016 - Current

Va. State Bar

Guardian ad Litem

2006 - 2015

Indigent Defense

Assistant Public Defender

2003 - 2006

Taylor Reveley and Associates

Founding Partner

General Practice Law Firm

1999 - 2003

Sole Practitioner

Attorney at Law

Private Law Practice


1993 - 1995

University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa

M.S. (1995)

1984 - 1987

Old Dominion University

B.A. (1987)


Law Office 205 S. Battlefield Blvd. Chesapeake VA 23322 Telephone: (757) 362-8400 Fax: (757) 549-1837
Law Office 202 Hicksford Ave. Emporia VA 23847 Telephone: (757) 362-8400 Fax: (757) 549-1837
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Matthew T Taylor Sr.
Matthew T Taylor Sr. Taylor Law Assoc. P.C.

Experience: 24 years
Location: USA
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Spanish: Spoken, Written


Adult/Juvenile Felony and Misdemeanor

Indigent Defense


Va State Bar