Donald Maurice Jr

Donald Maurice Jr

Donald Maurice Jr
MauriceWutscher, LLP
Experience: 35 years
District of Columbia, New Jersey, New York and 13 others
Experience 35y
Online & Web 7

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In addition to being a frequent speaker and author on consumer financial services litigation, Don serves as vice chair of the Debt Collection Practices and Bankruptcy Subcommittee within the Consumer Financial Services Committee, Business Law Section of the ABA.

Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice

District of Columbia

Since 2011

New Jersey

Since 1988

New York

Since 2012

2nd Circuit

Since 2008

3rd Circuit

Since 2003

6th Circuit

Since 2014

8th Circuit

Since 2011

9th Circuit

Since 2013

D.C. Circuit

Since 2012

U.S. District Court, District of Colorado

Since 2012

U.S. District Court, District of Nebraska

Since 2013

U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Michigan

Since 2015

U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Wisconsin

Since 2015

U.S. District Court, Western District of Pennsylvania

Since 2013

U.S. District Court, Western District of Wisconsin
U.S. Supreme Court

Since 2001


1985 - 1988

Case Western Reserve University School of Law


1981 - 1985

Boston University



5 Walter E Foran Blvd Flemington NJ 08822 Telephone: (908) 237-4550
New York City 45 Rockefeller Plaza Suite 2000 New York NY 10111 Telephone: (212) 960-3503
Washington, DC 1300 Eye Street, NW Suite 400E Washington DC 20005
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Donald Maurice Jr
Donald Maurice Jr MauriceWutscher, LLP

Experience: 35 years
Website: Open
Location: USA
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Amercian Board of Certification

