Cristine Beckwith is a compassionate defender that will give you an honest assessment of your case. She can almost always uncover evidence that works in her client's favor, resulting in a case dismissal or significantly reduced charges.
Even if incriminating statements or an admission of guilt has been made to law enforcement, hope is not lost. A strong defense combined with a positive history in the community can still result in a favorable outcome.
Cristine is rated 10/10 by the Avvo lawyer rating service. She offers a reasonable flat fee pricing structure as well as a free consultation.
Since 2004
Cristine Beckwith, Attorney at Law
B.A. | Business Administration
The National Trial Lawyers Organization
Westlaw Publishing
Better Business Bureau of Western Washington
Criminal Appeals, Drug Crimes, Expungement, Fraud, Gun Crimes, Internet Crimes, Sex Crimes, Theft, Violent Crimes
Domestic Violence Criminal Defense, Domestic Violence Restraining Orders
Teacher of continuing legal education courseWSBA