John Burke focuses his law practice on Collaborative Divorce and Estate Planning. John believes that a significant number of divorce cases that go the traditional litigation route could be resolved using the Collaborative Law process for a less stressful interest-based resolution, and most importantly, on a much friendlier and cooperative basis than what results in the adversarial environment of traditional litigation. He was a founding member, director, and officer of Collaborative Professionals of Washington and Spokane County Collaborative Professionals, both being non-profit associations that educate the public and increase the awareness of collaborative law as an alternative to traditional litigation.
Since 2003
2005 - Current
Burke Law Group PLLC
Burke Law Group was organized to provide a focused delivery of legal services for clients needing divorce and family law services. The firm has served clients of all socio/economic backgrounds, from high net worth entrepreneurs, CEO's and professionals through to persons on government assistance. The Spokane County Bar Association recognized this firm as the 2009 Outstanding Law Firm of the Year for its volunteer legal service to low income persons who would not otherwise have been able to afford legal representation. John's focuses his own law practice on divorces that utilize the collaborative law process and small to medium sized estate planning.
1999 - 2002
Honors: Magna Cum Laude
B.S. | Business
Spokane County Bar Associate
Spokane County Bar Association
Collaborative Law, Contested Divorce, Military Divorce, Property Division, Same Sex Divorce, Spousal Support & Alimony, Uncontested Divorce
Guardianship & Conservatorship Estate Administration, Health Care Directives, Trusts, Wills
Adoption, Child Custody, Child Support, Father's Rights, Guardianship & Conservatorship, Paternity, Prenups & Marital Agreements, Restraining Orders, Same Sex Family Law