Shannon Alberts

Shannon Alberts

Shannon Alberts
Experience: 8 years
Divorce and Family Law
Experience 8y
Online & Web 10

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During law school, Shannon worked at the Family Law Forms Desk at Marquette University over her lunch break. At first, it felt like she was only assisting people in filling out paperwork, but she soon realized that this small gesture was helping people make a profound change in their lives.

Shannon is a passionate defender of her clients in the areas of divorce, child custody, and child support. Her drive is to help people navigate the law and find a better future. By using her knowledge and skill as an attorney, she gives power and a voice to her clients. She is constantly looking for ways to empower them and works tirelessly for the sake of others.



Marquette University Law School


Carroll College

B.A. | Politics


Attorney Shannon Alberts 3701 E Evergreen Dr #500A Appleton WI 54913 Toll-Free: (920) 944-6392
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Shannon Alberts
Shannon Alberts

Experience: 8 years
Website: Open
Location: USA
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Practice Areas


Collaborative Law, Contested Divorce, Military Divorce, Property Division, Same Sex Divorce, Spousal Support & Alimony, Uncontested Divorce

Family Law

Adoption, Child Custody, Child Support, Father's Rights, Guardianship & Conservatorship, Paternity, Prenups & Marital Agreements, Restraining Orders, Same Sex Family Law


English: Spoken, Written

