Connecticut Privacy of School Records Laws

We’ve all worried about it at some time or another – what if this winds up on my “permanent record?” And whether you pictured a manila folder in a basement filing cabinet containing all our misdeeds or an online database with every report card and detention slip, you’ve been concerned about those school slip-ups seeing the light of day. Fortunately for us in the Nutmeg State, there are laws that restrict who has access to your school records. Here's a basic overview of the privacy of school records laws in Connecticut.

General School Records Laws

Access to a public school student's records is generally regulated at the state level, and limited to parents and school administrators only. At the federal level, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the confidentiality students’ school records.

Privacy of School Records Laws in Connecticut

Under Connecticut law, only parents and legal guardians have access to a public school student’s school records. Connecticut's privacy of school records statutes are detailed in the chart below.

Code Section

General Statutes of Connecticut Title 10-15b: Access of Parent to Student’s Records;

General Statutes of Connecticut Title 10-154a: Professional Communications Between Teacher or Nurse and Student

Who Has Access to School Records?

Parents and legal guardians;

Communication relating to alcohol or drugs between the nurse and student need not be disclosed to parent.

Penalty for Violation of School Record Privacy Laws


Records Covered By Privacy Laws

For the most part, a student’s privacy rights extend only to admissions information, education records, and conduct reports. And disclosure of any his or her personal information to an unauthorized third party without his or her consent could be a violation of the student's privacy rights. Additionally, there is a right to be free from an unreasonable intrusion into personal matters that exists to a lesser extent for students in a school setting.

Under most laws, a school administration’s right to know and control the school environment will outweigh a student's privacy interest if the safety of other students and members of the community is an issue. Therefore, disclosure of a students’ confidential information is not permitted while limited searches of their lockers or handbags may be.

Connecticut Privacy of School Records Laws: Related Resources

State education laws can be confusing, especially where they overlap with federal protections. You can contact a Connecticut education attorney if you would like legal assistance regarding a school records issue. You can also visit FindLaw’s section on School Privacy for more resources and information.