Louisiana Lemon Laws

There’s nothing like hopping in your new car and looking out at the road ahead of you. And few things are worse than seeing that new car in the shop. What can you do if your new car starts having old car problems? Chances are, you’ve got a "lemon" on your hands, and you’re wondering where to turn to. If your new car has a habitual problem no dealer or a repair shop can seem to fix, the Bayou State has protections for new car buyers. Here is a brief overview of “lemon laws” in Louisiana.

State Lemon Laws

Nearly every state has lemon laws designed to offer some financial protections for new car owners, rather than sticking the buyer with a malfunctioning or even nonfunctioning vehicle. While some lemon laws in other states don’t cover used cars, Louisiana’s may, depending on your warranty. If your car has been under repair for 45 days or more, or subject to repair 4 or more times for the same defect, you may be entitled to a refund or a replacement vehicle.

Lemon Laws in Louisiana

Lemon law statutes in Louisiana are highlighted in the chart below.

Code Section

Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:1941, et seq.: Motor Vehicle Warranties

Title of Act

Louisiana Lemon Law

Definition of Defects

Nonconformity to applicable express warranties

Time Limit for Manufacturer Repair

Term of warranty or during period of 1 year following date of original delivery, whichever is earlier


Manufacturer's option: Replace with comparable new motor vehicle or accept return and refund full purchase price plus any amounts paid by the consumer at the time of sale and all collateral costs, less a reasonable allowance for use

If you’re still not sure if your new car qualifies as a lemon, there are a few general lemon law guidelines that might help:

  • Your vehicle must have a substantial nonconformity that appears within a certain time after purchase;
  • The nonconformity must be covered by a warranty; and
  • The nonconformity must continue to exist, even after a reasonable number of attempted repairs.

Related Resources for Lemon Laws

Having a broken down car can be heartbreaking. You can visit FindLaw's lemon law section for more resources and information on this topic. You can also schedule a consultation with an experienced lemon law attorney in Louisiana if you would like legal assistance with a possible lemon law matter, or would like to know your rights and responsibilities as a new car owner.