Mississippi Legal Holidays Laws

There are so many ways we measure the passing of the year: seasons, birthdays, anniversaries, and, of course, our work holidays. Legal holidays help us remember and pay tribute to historical figures and national events. They also help us mark the passing of the work year, while giving us a few Mondays or Fridays out of the office, which we all appreciate. But even if we’re given the day off for a national or state holiday, we’re not necessarily guaranteed paid time off. Here is a brief overview of legal holidays laws in Mississippi.

Holidays in Mississippi

Most of our legal holidays are nationally recognized, like Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. But every now and then, a state will have its own particular legal holidays laws. For example, the Magnolia State celebrates Robert E. Lee’s birthday and Confederate Memorial Day.

Mississippi Legal Holidays Statutes

Mississippi’s legal holiday statutes are listed in the table below.

Code Section



New Year's Day; Martin Luther King, Jr.'s and Robert E. Lee's Birthday; Washington's Birthday; Memorial Day and Jefferson Davis's Birthday; Independence Day; Labor Day; Veterans Day; Thanksgiving; Christmas; Confederate Memorial Day

Legal Holidays and Employment

It’s only natural to think of holidays in the employment context, and wonder if we’ll get paid, and if so, how much. Generally speaking, Mississippi’s wage and hour laws and minimum wage and overtime pay statutes determine how much we can earn. That said, when it comes to national and state holidays, not all state employers are required to give employees paid time off for holidays, or even pay employees extra for working legal holidays.

Additionally, there is no federal employment law that requires extra compensation for work performed on legal holidays. Therefore, private employers in Mississippi are permitted to make their employees work on holidays and pay them only their normal wage. Even so, many employers know that having a happy staff has its benefits, and will provide overtime pay for working on a holiday or give employees legal holidays off on their own accord. You should refer to the specific terms of your employment contract to determine how your employer treats legal holidays.

Mississippi Legal Holidays Laws: Related Resources

Figuring out how states and private employers will treat legal holidays can be a challenge. You can consult with a Mississippi employment law attorney if you would like legal assistance regarding an employment matter. You can also find more resources and information on this topic by visiting FindLaw's section on Employment Law.