New Hampshire Gambling Laws

Laws regulating gambling, whether it's casino-style games such as poker and slot machines or the church bingo game, vary quite a bit from one state to the next. Most states permit raffles, bingo, and other games intended to raise funds for nonprofits, and a majority of states do allow some form of recreational gambling. Many states limit casino-style gambling to Native American reservations, which are regulated by the National Indian Gaming Commission. Gambling may also involve horse or dog racing, however dog racing has fallen out of favor in many states. Hawaii and Utah are unique in that they prohibit gambling entirely. State lotteries also may be considered a form of gambling, but are governed under separate laws and operated by the state itself.

New Hampshire Gambling Laws: An Overview

New Hampshire law allows both dog racing and horse racing, as well as on-track parimutuel wagering (in which bets are placed together in a pool). While casinos and betting on any other casino-style games is illegal in New Hampshire, the state allows cruise ships with gambling machines to enter the state for a maximum of 48 hours at a time. Additionally, wagering on sporting events is strictly prohibited (although not strictly enforced).

Additional provisions of New Hampshire gambling laws are listed in the following table.

Code Section 647.2; 284.1 et seq.
Gambling Risking something of value upon a future contingent not under one's control or influence, upon an agreement or understanding that something of value will be received in the event of a certain outcome.
Horse Racing/Off-Track Betting Licensed horse racing legal. On-track pari-mutuel wagering legal.
Dog Racing/Off-Track Betting Licensed dog racing legal. On-track parimutuel wagering legal.
Casinos Allowed? Cruise ships equipped with gambling machines whose primary purpose is touring may enter state for 48 hours, provided that all gambling machines are disabled while in state. Others prohibited.
Other Kinds of Gambling-Related Activities Allowed or Banned Charitable organizations' raffles, bingo and games of chance; lucky 7; manufacture of gambling machines legal. Gambling on gas station premises; wagering on games or sports illegal.

Note: State laws are not carved in stone and may change at any time through a few different avenues, such as the enactment of newly signed legislation or decisions from higher courts. You may want to contact a New Hampshire gaming law attorney or conduct your own legal research to verify the state law(s) you are researching.

Research the Law

  • New Hampshire Law
  • Official State Codes - Links to the official online statutes (laws) in all 50 states and DC.

New Hampshire Gambling Laws: Related Resources