New Hampshire Personal Income Tax Laws

In addition to the federal Internal Revenue Service (IRS), most states also collect taxes on personal income. Paperwork for state personal income taxes is generally due the same date as federal taxes (April 15, or thereabouts), and most states now offer the option of electronic filing. Not all income is taxed, just "taxable income" such as salaries, wages, stock profits, and even lottery winnings. Child support payments, welfare, and a limited portion of retirement funds are not considered taxable income. And while individuals typically file once a year, businesses often pay income taxes on a quarterly basis.

A majority of states taxes higher-earning individuals at a higher rate, commonly referred to as a "progressive" tax code (the federal government uses this system, described as "brackets"). Some states, however, have a single tax rate for all residents.

Personal Income Taxes in New Hampshire at a Glance

The state of New Hampshire has a flat 5 percent income tax rate on interest and dividends, but not on general income such as wages. As such, there is no state tax withheld from individual workers' W-2 forms. Additionally, those claiming taxable income (interests and dividends only) of less than $2,400 are not required to file tax returns. New Hampshire also does not have a retail sales tax.

Read Inheritance and Estate Tax FAQ and Interest and Dividend Tax FAQ to learn more about New Hampshire's tax code and how to file.

Additional relevant information about New Hampshire's income tax laws is listed in the following chart. See FindLaw's Tax Law section for more articles.

Code Section 77:1-1, et seq.
Who is Required to File Inhabitants and part-year residents, partnerships, associations and trusts, and fiduciaries with income of more than $2,400 per year
Rate 5%, limited to interest and dividends
Federal Income Tax Deductible No
Federal Income Used as Basis No

Note: State laws are subject to change at any time through higher court decisions, enactment of newly signed legislation, and other means. You should contact a New Hampshire tax attorney or conduct your own legal research to verify the state law(s) you are researching.

Research the Law

  • New Hampshire Law
  • Official State Codes - Links to the official online statutes (laws) in all 50 states and DC.

New Hampshire Personal Income Taxes: Related Resources