Jay G. Wall

Jay G. Wall

Jay G. Wall
The Law Office of Jay G. Wall
Experience: 16 years
Employee of the Quarter and Public Service Award
Awards 2
Experience 16y
Online & Web 5

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Jay G. Wall has been a criminal trial practice attorney for almost a decade. He spent the majority of that time as an Assistant District Attorney for Cherokee County. While serving in the Cherokee County District Attorney's Office, Jay taught courtroom demeanor, criminal procedure and use of force to cadets and active law enforcement officers. His extensive experience as a prosecutor gives Jay a unique advantage when handling criminal cases.

Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice


Since 2007

Professional Experience

2016 - Current

The Law Office of Jay G. Wall


2008 - 2016

Cherokee County District Attorney

Assistant District Attorney


2004 - 2007

Michigan State University

J.D. (2007) | Criminal Trial Practice


year - Jay G. Wall
Employee of the Quarter

Cherokee County District Attorney's Office

Public Service Award

Cherokee County District Attorney's Office


The Law Firm of Jay G. Wall 1190 Buckhead Crossing Suite D Woodstock GA 30189 Telephone: (678) 362-3176
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Jay G. Wall
Jay G. Wall The Law Office of Jay G. Wall

Experience: 16 years
Website: Open
Location: USA
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English: Spoken, Written

